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Thread: Hi, I'm looking forward to my first visit to the UK.

  1. #1
    Member DAnn's Avatar
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    Hi, I'm looking forward to my first visit to the UK.

    I'm new here. I am engaged to my boyfriend of more than 3 years now who is a British national. I was looking for any tips that might help with my general visitor visa application to the UK and this website was one of the suggested results. I have already filled up an online form and has a schedule to the embassy here in Manila next week where I will submit my printed application form and other supporting documents. If anyone has any more advice, I will truly appreciate. Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum DAnn.

    I think the main thing you need to prove is an overwhelming reason that you will return to the Philippines when the visa runs out. This is where most people fail. Show commitments at home, family, job, business, lettters of support, pay slips etc etc.

    Good luck in your application.
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  3. #3
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    Hi there DAnn, welcome here to the forum

    Good luck with your Visit Visa

    Not sure what additional advice you are looking for, especially as you are quite far advanced in your application.

    I'm sure you already understand that these visit visa's can often be problematic for many reasons.
    Not least because approval or refusal of General Visitor (tourist) visa applications is principally based on the discretion of the ECO.

    The major issue often comes down to the need by the applicant to prove a non-immigrant intent.
    That is, clearly demonstrating that they do not intend to remain in the UK beyond the visa expiry date.
    The ECO must be satisfied that the applicant has strong social, economic and family ties back home that on the basis of probability would compel them to leave the UK at the end of the temporary stay.
    It can sometime be difficult to overcome this presumption.

    The UKBA page specifically for UK Visit Visa's can be found here .
    It's well worth taking a look and checking out all of the links provided.

    There's quite a good bit of helpful information within this forum and I'm sure a quick search will be worthwhile.

  4. #4
    Member DAnn's Avatar
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    Thank you, Terpe and Steve.r. Your tips are very helpful. I have been wondering why the questions on the application form specially about the Income or financial status are mostly so personal questions and almost so irritably that just makes you feel you have to prove that you are rich or has lots of money =) Now I understand why. I guess I misunderstood. Thanks a lot again!

  5. #5
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    Hi DAnn.

    Good luck with the visa.

    Unfortunately so many people in the past have abused the visitor visa and overstayed (probably from countries other than the Phils) that now every applicant is treated as a potential overstayer.

    Yes, rude and unfair to the honest and genuine majority, but that's how cheats and criminals spoil it for everyone else.

  6. #6
    Member DAnn's Avatar
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    hi, grahamw48
    yes, i think i agree that this is what is happening now. sad :(
    as for me and my fiance, at least i am one more genuine visit visa applicant. my fiance and i intends to be patient and go through with the proper process. we have been patient for the last 3yrs+ being in a long distance relationship. i worked abroad and that is how we met, not in the Phils. he had to fly in to 3 different countries for the last 3 yrs and finally came to Manila to meet my parents after I resigned from work abroad so we could be together soon. we plan to wed next spring. i will come back here in manila to help plan for the wedding. immigration to UK is part of the plan but not yet this time. and yes, i understand we will have to prove that i am not going to over-stay. thanks a lot!

  7. #7
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    Well, it seems that you've certainly proved yourselves to each other.

    Good luck....lots of success stories amongst the members here.

  8. #8
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    I was on the same situation before. Just PM me for more questions. That was based on my very own experience. Hope it helps.

  9. #9
    Member DAnn's Avatar
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    hi! i tried to pm you but got a note instead saying i'm still not allowed to use this pm thing here. but thanks for taking the time to message here. i already filed my docs and complete application. just waiting for the visa now. it will be my first opportunity to go to England and to meet my fiance's family and friends, although i have met some of them over the phone but meeting in person is more exciting i think. i am looking forward to it and more!

  10. #10
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    i really wished to visit UK too, i heard its a good place. =/

  11. #11
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DAnn View Post
    hi! i tried to pm you but got a note instead saying i'm still not allowed to use this pm thing here. but thanks for taking the time to message here. i already filed my docs and complete application. just waiting for the visa now. it will be my first opportunity to go to England and to meet my fiance's family and friends, although i have met some of them over the phone but meeting in person is more exciting i think. i am looking forward to it and more!
    Ohhh sorry, I am not sure now if a newbie like you can PM old memebers? HELP ME MODERATORS!

    Anyways, I hope you get the visa granted. I can add you in FB if you like.

  12. #12
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Hi there and welcome.

    Yes visitor visa can be a problem, they told us to get lost when we tried The excuse was they didn't believe I would let her leave afterwards and would marry her. Right - they thought I would chain mahal to the sink perhaps Idiots!

    It's a strange thing, how so many countries, their nationals can come to the UK without a visa, and these could also have immigration intents. It seems they run visa and non visa country requirements on the same basis insurance companies underwrite things - if they think it's a country the national would be happy to return to, then no visa (hence Koreans and Australians don't need one)

    From what I can gather, if you have a decent job, then it's not TOO hard to get a vacation visa, but as already said, there's been too many people abusing this system in the past, so the UK has had to take these measures.

    Really hope they give you it

  13. #13
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    I can't wait to GET OUT of the UK.

  14. #14
    Respected Member Leen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I can't wait to GET OUT of the UK.
    hahahaha,my hubby too
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  15. #15
    Newbie (Restricted Access) Lyresh's Avatar
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    Dan, we are on the same boat, im going to apply through this route which is Visit Visa but main problem is i have no outstanding reasons for the UK border( ECO )to believe that im not going to overstay in UK thou our are intentions are pure that i am going be back before my visa expires to prepare our wedding in Philippines, i just quit working abroad and no strong ties with Philippines as i dont have a child and a business and properties just saving in the bank, hope that would make up but still there is a big questionmark in my head.... till now i am not certain, whether m going to apply General Visa or Fiancee. please let me me know how it goes... that would be very helpful. Thanks....

  16. #16
    Respected Member Rhose's Avatar
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    welcome to the forum Dann!! visit visa is quite complicated but though if you prove that you're going to come back in the Philippines and pass on their requirements, there's no problem about that... Good luck!!

  17. #17
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    Thanks for all advice on this thread, I have bookmarked it for future reference.

  18. #18
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Hi, DAnn ... here, and all the best with your forthcoming visa application.
    Last edited by Arthur Little; 24th November 2015 at 16:35.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Welcome to the forum DAnn. This forum will be able to tell you alot of what you need to know

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