This is a sort of catch 22 situation.
Assange may have endangered lives but as its all secret, we cannot and will not be told what he has actually done.
Bit like banks having the right to hide things from us because they believe it’s not necessary for us to know and that we should take their word that everything they do , is in the best interests of all of us.
There is no way we would believe that so why must we believe that the ’powers that be’ and in particular USA, who have arranged for people, whom they could not legally process, to be kidnapped all over the world and flown to secret destinations to be ‘interrogated’ , are keeping the secretes for the deeper benefit of us ?
As for the allegations in Sweden, there is no reason whatsoever, that Swedish police cannot go to UK, or request the UK police, to question him to establish whether there actually is a case against him, or not. That is a quite usual practice; I have been overseas several doing just that. So why don’t they do that? (My cynical mind here) because they have a different agenda which will involve Assange ‘disappearing’ via extraordinary rendition, to a USA interrogation area.