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Thread: Metro Manila sinking at a fast pace

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    If it were true... e.g. a few centimetres in 1 year, or 10 cm in 1 year, is not a metre in 4 years. There has been no significant global warming for 17 years. the sea is not rising at 1 cm per year. The floods were bad in Quezon City, as in the pic, but not in his list. However North Caloocan is in his list, but my friends there said after 1 bad day it was not too bad.

    So what is his agenda? Does he need more money for his department? Maybe Manila is sinking slowly, like London and the South of England, but even if it is, this kind of alarmist rubbish just obscures the facts.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by deeen View Post
    If it were true... e.g. a few centimetres in 1 year, or 10 cm in 1 year, is not a metre in 4 years. There has been no significant global warming for 17 years. the sea is not rising at 1 cm per year. The floods were bad in Quezon City, as in the pic, but not in his list. However North Caloocan is in his list, but my friends there said after 1 bad day it was not too bad.

    So what is his agenda? Does he need more money for his department? Maybe Manila is sinking slowly, like London and the South of England, but even if it is, this kind of alarmist rubbish just obscures the facts.
    Manila is sinking, as opposed to sea level rising, at least thats what the article says. There is a difference though it might not seem like that. (Can have a similar effect of course). But Manila is also low laying so if it sinks at the rate quoted then snorkel and flippers will be the order of the day.

    For me, if it were true, and their scientists would know as it is perfectly possible to measure, then their ought to be a vast change in direction in the city planning....if there was ever any city planning in the first place. I hope Mr Ayala is careful where he builds next....

    "The entire Metro Manila is sinking by several centimetres per year, estimated as one metre in four years, said Siringan, adding that in northern suburban Malabon, a fishing area compared to Venice, has been sinking by 10 centimetres a year."

    Northern suburban Malabon has been sinking at 10 cm a year. However 1 meter in 4 years (3.281 feet to the metre) is some going.

    Having said that, the Dutch are pretty good at living close to sea so a look over their shoulder might be an idea.

    Maybe it will be a case of water jeepneys in Manila in the future....or is Malabon like that already? Maybe the next Bourne movie will show a chase through the back streets of Malabon in gondolers...

  3. #3
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    Did you know that the Isle of Wight has 4 tides a day? Not a lot of people know that....

    I think I was talking rowlocks about Mexico city. For some reason I thought it was at altitude. I seemed to recall Sir Bobby Moore coming a cropper there at altitude but that was Bogotoa? The Bogotoa Bracelet incident..

    Just been re educating myself on Mexico..

    Resting on a fickle lake bed in the Valley of Mexico, Mexico City has been facing the possibility of going under for centuries. However, according to geologists, there are parts of this massive metropolis that are sinking by as much as eight inches per year. Because of a lack of sufficient drainage, the city was heavily prone to flooding from groundwater flowing down from the surrounding mountains, leading to the construction of a vast underground drainage system. But over-extraction of groundwater from the Texcoco lake bed during the 20th century has caused the city's clay foundation to crumble, forcing the metropolis to sink deeper into the ground. And as the city sinks, so does the drainage system, forcing waste water to reverse its course and head back into the city. According to, Mexico City's drainage capacity has decreased by 30 percent since 1975.

    There are several projects underway to keep this sinking city afloat, including a 23-foot-wide ($1.1 billion) Eastern Drainage Tunnel that will deposit waste water about 40 miles north of the city. The tunnel should be completed by 2012. Work is also being done to help save the architectural gems -- like the popular Metropolitan Cathedral -- found in the Historic District, which are one of the city's major tourist draws. But despite best efforts, engineers say that there is no way to keep Mexico City from sinking.

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Did you know that the Isle of Wight has 4 tides a day? Not a lot of people know that......
    Unless the IOW has it's own extra Moon that would be impossible

    Just the two:
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    There is a special reason for the Isle of Wight syndrome. The waters coming in up the channels from the east and west up the solent etc. Gives the effect of four tides. If you see what I mean.

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deeen View Post
    If it were true... e.g. a few centimetres in 1 year, or 10 cm in 1 year, is not a metre in 4 years. There has been no significant global warming for 17 years. the sea is not rising at 1 cm per year. The floods were bad in Quezon City, as in the pic, but not in his list. However North Caloocan is in his list, but my friends there said after 1 bad day it was not too bad.

    So what is his agenda? Does he need more money for his department? Maybe Manila is sinking slowly, like London and the South of England, but even if it is, this kind of alarmist rubbish just obscures the facts.
    You need to check facts first. Manila is in a BAY, hence the higher rate of seas level rise. Sea levels are different all over the world. Even in the UK you get massive differences between sea level heights depending on what part of the coast you are at. This is due to different coast lines, currents, gravity changes around the Earth (gets weaker the closer you get to the equator), the shape of the Earth (bulges at the equator), and the effect of the moon and other celestial objects. As an example these are the sea level rises around the US

    As for 'no significant global warming', I think 0.16 degree is a hell of a lot in the last decade and increasing (
    Keith - Administrator

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