Thats the point. In this case, the so called pinko do gooders methods have not been used.
I agree that its a problem, exascerbated by not enough police, not enough prison space and not enough detox clinics and not enough money, but economically it is cheaper to to go down the treatment route. I dont agree with such draconian measures as you are in favour of.Firm hand yes, but barbarism no. I sincerely hope that if you ever have a close relative that was unlucky enough or even stupid enough to get hooked, you wouldnt reach for the rope or the birch or the bullet. As it can happen to anyone - it doesnt stop at class boundaries.
By the way, Methadone is also an opiate. It is really just a heroin substitute. So dishing it out in prisons doesnt help. In fact dishing it out doesnt help at all. It is actually more dangerous than heroin as it rots the marrow.