Anybody seen it yet?

"What's being raved about in Hollywood? Believe it or not, it's Manila.
Yes, the city, in all its glorious decay and overpopulation and can-do spirit seen recently in how people responded spontaneously to help last week's flood victim, is a star.

Thanks to "The Bourne Legacy," Manila is shown as it is—its splendor beyond sordidness, the true worth of our actors, and yes, our policemen."
Best chase scene
The producers of "The Bourne Legacy" may have been genius in conceiving a plotline that would resurrect a lucrative franchise that was supposed to have ended with "The Bourne Ultimatum," the last of the Matt Damon-starred trilogy.
And as the new Bourne, Jeremy Renner, prepped for stardom in "Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol" and "The Avengers," can look forward to more sequels as he's on his way to prove his mettle as a blockbuster action star.
But the real star of the film, as what critics have hailed in their reviews, is Manila, which was the setting of the climax of the film, with a "well-crafted" chase scene amidst the chaos of the city: highways and side streets, jagged rooftops and packed harbors. Some critics even considered it one of the best chase scenes ever.
There was no need for any cosmetic effects or sanitize Manila's so-called "eye sores." With the help of cinematographer Robert Elswit, director Tony Gilroy gave the world a real yet amazing depiction of a city where cinematic spies can really make a killing.

"Can you imagine Daniel Craig as James Bond facing his aggressors in the crammed Quiapo district during the Black Nazarene procession?"