Travellers invade playing fields of £30,000-per-year Marlborough College where Kate Middleton played hockey
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Travellers invade playing fields of £30,000-per-year Marlborough College where Kate Middleton played hockey
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That'll go down like a lead balloon.![]()
Hey!...that's only a few miles for where I live![]()
There is an 'official' travellers' camp at the end of my road.
Keeps the flies out of my house anyway.![]()
In a way, this is not a bad thing.
What I mean is, the only way something "might" ever be done about this sort of thing, is if it affects those in power, the "elite" and not just us peasants who should know our place, who are denounced as "bar room politics" if we dare complain about things like crime and give our suggestions.
Just as you can be damned sure the NHS would suddenly be top class if everyone was forced to use it, and just as the bog standard comprehensive would be history within days if private education was banned..................then the only way anything would ever be done would be if a problem ended up on THEIR back yard.
I suggest some Romanian squatters in the dorm at Eton, a huge asylum seeker hostel in Henley Upon Thames and some chavs drinking white lightening hanging around Downing Street at 2am every night
Interesting thought Iani - I remember the Pikey Filth being at Eton College some years ago
The one area in this neck of the woods where they never, ever go is Crown Estate land - I wonder why![]()
In the manner of privately funded health and education, we could have both a top class education system and a top class NHS but we aren't prepared to pay more in taxes to fund it. Are we?
Who is willing to pay more in tax to fund the improvements?
Oh. And by the way, I thought that the Comprehensive system was supposed to be the answer to our education issues?
Don't know about you Lastlid but since this lot came to power I am paying more Tax. I now find myself in the 40% bracket which wouldn't be so bad if it was being spent on worthwhile things like the NHS and caring for the elderly. Instead I'm paying for the mistakes of Bankers and financial mismanagement by half the governments of the EU as well as the upkeep of tens of thousands of freeloaders who turn up on our doorstep from these very same countries![]()
Fortunately for me I am paying less tax. I used to be in a situation a bit like yourself taxwise but pay less tax now I am in the Isle of Man.
I was just saying that any improvements would have to be funded by more money. I would hazard a guess that would mean more taxes. I have sampled both the NHS and the private sector and both state schooling and private schooling and in the case of the private version of both, had to pay significantly more money, one way or another. The money has to come from somwhere to raise the standards in state schools and hospitals ( not sure if this government has misspent - thats for another debate). It obviously predates the last two governments.
I dont really blame one government or another. My outlay has been over a long decade. I havent got a clue who was in power when my daughter went to a private school. Just looked it up (Major and Blair taking a quick look).
Personally I favour the old grammar school system. As a person that has spent a significant amount of time teaching during my career and put two kids through their education, the grammar system wins hands down. My son goes to the local grammar school.![]()
Very true.
The wealthy are able to insulate themselves from such unpleasant realities.
I am very happy about this I would even point them in the direction of leafy suburbs. Like someone has said if they do this the government might do something about it.And I hope the illegals and europeans go with them.
The comprehensive system was a disaster
Mixing bright with riff raff didn't work...much talent went down the drain...with mixed (abilities) marriages to boot. Very unsatisfactory
Nothing wrong with private fact Mr Leahy is bringing back grammar schools ..lovely...![]()
Wrong. Not in Trafford. The grammar system was never stopped. Not sure if it was down to a loophole or if so it was never closed. I seem to remember it was people power that kept them open. And there are some other places in the country where it is still retained.
Actually, the eleven plus was fazed out eventually in Trafford but there still is an entrance exam. It is still selective.
My daughter took the 11 plus in Trafford in the early 90's, passed it and got a place at the local grammar school but we decided to send her to a private school instead.
My son is at Stretford Grammar right now and there is Altrincham Grammar for Girls and Altrincham Grammar for Boys, Sale Grammar and Urmston Grammar (where Joe Bloggs used to live so I seem to recall him saying?). All state funded grammar schools. Many folk move to Tarfford for that reason or bus their kids in to fill up the empty seats not filled by the locals. Very popular schools.
See the attached list of state funded grammar schools.
Grammar school: Kent County Council backs expansion plan
This is where the selective / grammar system falls down potentially....the stigma factor. "Bright with the riff raff" is a bit out of order really. In re establishing a grammar school system we need to be a little more caring about those that do not succeed in the entrance exams...
I agree !!!![]()
Have always been in favour of the Grammar school system. The comprehensive system will never work it simply holds the bright kids back.
I don't remember having to put up with gypsy kids and those with Autism in our Grammar School either...certainly none with leg tags to disturb Latin lessons.![]()
Schooling now compared to our day Graham is worlds apart.
I wouldn't mind some years being given back but, I certainly wouldn't fancy having to go back to school under these conditions.
Must move house again.![]()
You do have private education in this country. I do agree with bringing back grammer schools and the 11+ as long as the grammer schools are free. What gwapito is talking about is one law for the rich and one for the poor which I totally disagree with, And why do we need to bring foreign students here? Why not bring our own through the system? It all boils down to money that is why this country is in a mess. Greed.
This does happen everywhere but its this country we are talking about Lastlid. Your right it might always happen in this country until there is a uprising and thats the way it is heading.In my opinion they should ban foreign students and bring our own through. The ones that live here. After all there is a fair few of them forget where they come from when their visas come to a end.
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