Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
There was me thinking to gain entry into a state funded grammar school, one had to pass the eleven plus and that ended in 71 ?
Wrong. Not in Trafford. The grammar system was never stopped. Not sure if it was down to a loophole or if so it was never closed. I seem to remember it was people power that kept them open. And there are some other places in the country where it is still retained.

Actually, the eleven plus was fazed out eventually in Trafford but there still is an entrance exam. It is still selective.

My daughter took the 11 plus in Trafford in the early 90's, passed it and got a place at the local grammar school but we decided to send her to a private school instead.

My son is at Stretford Grammar right now and there is Altrincham Grammar for Girls and Altrincham Grammar for Boys, Sale Grammar and Urmston Grammar (where Joe Bloggs used to live so I seem to recall him saying?). All state funded grammar schools. Many folk move to Tarfford for that reason or bus their kids in to fill up the empty seats not filled by the locals. Very popular schools.

See the attached list of state funded grammar schools.
