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Thread: Ok once I get a job

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Ok once I get a job

    Firstly MODS if I posted in the wrong section sorry please feel free to move it..

    I won’t bore you with immense details but I plan on marrying my Filipina GF over the next few month in Thailand. Once we are married once I return to the UK and find full time employment over the new figure of £18000 or whatever how long should we wait before we apply for her spouse visa?
    We have daughter that I am currently looking after as a single parent. Will our daughters family income support have any bearing on our application?

    This whole process is killing us.. its seems so unfair.

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    It's actually £18600 and if you are already married then apply as soon as you like. If your daughters are already British passport holders then it will not make any difference to your application. Do a search (top right) for the UKBA requiremnts here on the forum, everything is explained in detail.

    or look here:
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    I havent worked here in the UK for over a year. Ive been looking after our daughter. but once I get a full time work with a contract then we can apply ? once were married? or does it go on p60 or anything?

  4. #4
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nashslash View Post
    I havent worked here in the UK for over a year. Ive been looking after our daughter. but once I get a full time work with a contract then we can apply ? once were married? or does it go on p60 or anything?
    Did you click the link and read ?
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  5. #5
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    just having a read now. thanks for that but just seems immence... its easier to live in thailand even with the visa problems there...

  6. #6
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    As they say in the Phils 'it's up to you'.

    I was a in a similar position a few years ago when I wanted to bring my Filipina wife and her 2 kids to England, after I'd been out of the country working in Hong Kong and living in the Phils.

    I just worked hard (abroad), saved a few thousand quid, then arranged work in the UK with a proper contract and letter from the employer giving salary etc (and that it was permanent), also a letter from a friend saying she was going to rent her house to us.

    Got the visas for the children on the strength of that (wife already had one) and I went on ahead for a couple of months to start work and get the place ready for the family.

    If you put in the effort, you'll get the results.

  7. #7
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Thanks for the encouragement.. But right now it seems hopeless for us ..I returned to the UK with our baby 11 months ago.. I can’t work as our baby was only 6 months at the time now she’s 18 month now.. I was separated for years ever without getting a divorce I never thought I’d marry again the divorce has taken nearly a year to complete.. I have the divorce now and am going back to marry her. We've been in contant touch daily even throughout our forced separation. Its killed me and my GF she’s missed a year from our daughter life..we can’t bare being apart anymore. how can we apart again for many month again ...

  8. #8
    Trusted Member
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    It's not hopeless if you get a job here in the UK for starters.

    Then concentrate totally on meeting the requirements of the UKBA (income and accommodation).

    - Only talking a few months bank statements.

    All the advice you'll need is available on this forum.

    Naturally your baby will need taking care of (at her age, probably best with her mum).

    You need to pull yourself together now and get this done !

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