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Thread: Stress stress and more stress

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Stress stress and more stress

    Well what can i say but STRESS, the more work you do the more they expect, no dinner just do that and you cannot say no, when there is no one in the office and you are short of staff, what can be done,it seems to me the reason we are short of staff, i e sick is because these people seem to have a top up from the goverment so why work 5 days a week when you work 4 or less and you get tax credits, what can i say, roll on when i am 60, plus anyone want a job, class 1 drawbar experiance requied,

  2. #2
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Join the club steve its happening everywhere.

  3. #3
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    My class 1 ran out about 20 years ago...and even my Plant op card is out of date now too.

  4. #4
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    am class 2 with draw bar whats the pay like will i get enough to be able to satifie the govs £18600

  5. #5
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    Well what can i say but STRESS, the more work you do the more they expect, no dinner just do that and you cannot say no,
    cant complain,...more work more money and it pays the stress just a big smile whenever i see my payslip
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  6. #6
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    Definition of Stress

    The confusion created when one's mind overrides the body's desire to beat or choke the living sheet
    out of some ssssole who desperately needs it.

  7. #7
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    Work related stress is classed as a recognisable hazard now, in industry. And should be risk assessed.

  8. #8
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Work related stress is classed as a recognisable hazard now, in industry. And should be risk assessed.
    lol i hope your company will pay you for that...if not, the government should and get a free parking permit as well
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    lol i hope your company will pay you for that...if not, the government should and get a free parking permit as well
    LOL They have to by law. Same for any other hazard and any other UK company. The onus is on the employer. All part of the Health and Safety at Work Act.

    "Employers have duties under the “Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations,” 1999, to assess the risk of stress-related ill health arising from work activities; and under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, to take measures to control that risk. The Management Standards are not legal requirements – they are guidance which is intended to help and encourage employers to meet their legal obligations."

  10. #10
    Respected Member jlags90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    cant complain,...more work more money and it pays the stress just a big smile whenever i see my payslip
    My husband keeps complaining how stressful his work is....
    but most of the time, he says, "i'm working on Friday, Saturday extra"
    the more you're stressed, the more you'd like to work... lol


    the more you work, the more money to spend....
    UKBA,UKBA I am dreading to hear from you...
    UKBA, a BRP for Christmas will do...

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    Well what can i say but STRESS, the more work you do the more they expect, no dinner just do that and you cannot say no, when there is no one in the office and you are short of staff, what can be done,it seems to me the reason we are short of staff, i e sick is because these people seem to have a top up from the goverment so why work 5 days a week when you work 4 or less and you get tax credits, what can i say, roll on when i am 60, plus anyone want a job, class 1 drawbar experiance requied,
    I work 13 days in a row and then 1 day off
    I could work only 4 days a week if i wanted to (huge drop in money)
    I dont have time for stress to busy chasing the money

    I need to fund my trips to the philippines diba

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    cant complain,...more work more money and it pays the stress just a big smile whenever i see my payslip
    Too right Ive never been one for wishing my life away either....I know many guys at our place doing just that...they retire and realize without work and purpose your life is over..then they come back ...we got a guy whose 75yo still driving his lgv 1 category vehicle....I'll work until I shame in that.....many of my generation will have no choice.

  13. #13
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    60 and thats when my plans kick in, sun , sea and lots of sex, and no work, well work for myself and what i want to do, plus money still coming in

  14. #14
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    Really ?

    Maybe I'll take my test again.

    Cold call today from a claims company:

    HIM: "Hello sir, I believe you have a history of working in the construction industry."

    "Were you issued with proper hearing protection ?"

    ME: "PARDON ? !"

  15. #15
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    Work stress 'raises heart risk'

    "Having a highly demanding job, but little control over it, could be a deadly combination, UK researchers say.

    They analysed 13 existing European studies covering nearly 200,000 people and found "job strain" was linked to a 23% increased risk of heart attacks and deaths from coronary heart disease.

    The risk to the heart was much smaller than for smoking or not exercising, the Lancet medical journal report said.

    The British Heart Foundation said how people reacted to work stress was key.

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    I thought we all knew this anyway.

    My goodness they seem to waste an awful lot of money on all these research projects...when simple common sense would have given them the answer....or they could have just asked me.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I thought we all knew this anyway.

    My goodness they seem to waste an awful lot of money on all these research projects...when simple common sense would have given them the answer....or they could have just asked me.
    Well yes.

    But many employers haven't necessarily acknowledged it or done anything about it though, seemingly unaware of its significance.

  18. #18
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    Oh dear...more employment law on the way from the nanny state ?

    Soon HR will be absorbing even more of the profits by running anti-heart disease stress-counseling...for people who probably shouldn't be doing the job anyway, if they're SO unhappy.

    IMO a lot of people make their own stress by being over-ambitious.
    If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
    Yes, you may have to buy a smaller house and a smaller car (oh the humiliation), but you might also live a healthier and more relaxed life.

    Up to you.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Oh dear...more employment law on the way from the nanny state ?

    Soon HR will be absorbing even more of the profits by running anti-heart disease stress-counseling...for people who probably shouldn't be doing the job anyway, if they're SO unhappy.

    IMO a lot of people make their own stress by being over-ambitious.
    If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
    Yes, you may have to buy a smaller house and a smaller car (oh the humiliation), but you might also live a healthier and more relaxed life.

    Up to you.
    Its actually a massive problem, Graham. Not just the odd few. And what UK employer's haven't fully cottoned on to is the number of man hours lost per year to the problem.

    However, the times they are a changing and slowly but surely it is being recognised along with any other hazard. The law is in place, just needs companies to fall foul of it and get fined etc.... My previous employer started to recognise it a couple of years ago.

    I am not sure if the answer to exposure to work related hazards is to move job. The answer is to remove the hazards in place at work.

    "By the term work related stress we mean the process that arises where work demands of various types and combinations exceed the person’s capacity and capability to cope. Think of this as ‘bad work’. It is a significant cause of illness and disease and is known to be linked with high levels of sickness absence, staff turnover and other indicators of organisational underperformance - including human error."

    "Recent statistics confirm that work related stress is widespread in the UK working population and is not confined to particular sectors or high risk jobs or industries. That is why a population-wide approach is necessary to tackle it."

    From the HSE.

    Personally, I have a stress free job, but not everyone is in that position. And for their sake I would like to see stress, as a hazard, addressed properly in the workplace.

  20. #20
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    And here are some stats from the HSE website.

    "The total number of cases of stress in 2010/11 was 400 000 out of a total of
    1 152 000 for all work-related illnesses.

    ( Thats 35% of all work related illnesses ) Thats a lot of people to simply turn their back on their job to avoid stress and not what I would want to advise the thread starter, Steve.

    "The industries that reported the highest rates of work-related stress in the last three years were health, social work, education and public administration."

  21. #21
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    No, this is just MORE H & S bull****.

    They're causing more stress than anyone else !

    Bring back common sense and proper training and management by people who are properly equipped and qualified to MANAGE others, and not just in positions of authority because they have a degree in ancient history or happened to have been the top salesman.

    More MATURE and EXPERIENCED staff should be retained know, the ones with the common sense.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    No, this is just MORE H & S bull****.

    Well thats a shame for those who are affected by the hazard, along with any other workplace hazards.

    Oh well....

    I would say that HSE has helped enormously in the oilfield sector in the UK. Yes, annoying though they may appear to be. But better that than injure or kill people at work. I have seen a lot of changes in the oil industry over 30+ years and I have to say HSE, overall, has been for the better, for the employee. Also, it makes sound business sense. For example, oil companies won't take on rigs with a bad safety record. Neither will they take on third party service companies with a bad safety record.

    I would say that it easy to dismiss work related illness injury and death until it has happened to you or someone you know.

    Interesting that you mention common sense. Do you know where that can be bought? Who has it in abundance every minute of the day? Most folk don't use it all of the time, especially under stress - the human factor.

    Its an interesting fact that many countries in the world actually aspire to UK standards on Health and Safety practices. Many oil companies internationally use the UK as a benchmark. Many people outside of the oil industry come to the UK to be trained in Health and Safety or use UK based institutions for their training. NEBOSH is recognised worldwide.

    And I hope, sincerely that if shale fracking happens up in Yorkshire, that the HS and E boys have some say in procedures, for the benefit of the local population and that Cuadrilla don't blow the arsenal out of your back yard....

  23. #23
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    lastlid, surely you don't think me stupid enough not to appreciate the concept of Health and Safety at work, and the obvious benefits and good sense of having the necessary codes of practice in place....and in use.

    As with a lot of things in life, it's a matter of degree.

    Both you and I know that much of the recent H & S legislation has as much to do with our new 'Litigation Society' as it has to do with improving the lot of workers.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    lastlid, surely you don't think me stupid enough not to appreciate the concept of Health and Safety at work, and the obvious benefits and good sense of having the necessary codes of practice in place....and in use.

    As with a lot of things in life, it's a matter of degree.
    I agree. But the difference between you and me and others is where the cutoff point is. I think that making people ill at work because the employer wants to maximise profit sooo much that they can't employ another person to share the workload, is not on and people need to be protected against that - or any other corner cutting by the employer that puts people at risk.

    ref the original post....

    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    Well what can i say but STRESS, the more work you do the more they expect, no dinner just do that and you cannot say no, when there is no one in the office and you are short of staff, what can be done,it seems to me the reason we are short of staff, i e sick is because these people seem to have a top up from the goverment so why work 5 days a week when you work 4 or less and you get tax credits, what can i say, roll on when i am 60, plus anyone want a job, class 1 drawbar experiance requied,

  25. #25
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    More and more companies are struggling to MAKE a profit because of government interference.

    Chicken and egg.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    More and more companies are struggling to MAKE a profit because of government interference.

    Chicken and egg.
    So, should airlines for example be less safe, take more risks, because of it? Just one for instance. As in "okay, we will drop our safety standards to sell you a cheaper ticket so that we can stay in business, but we might not get you there in one piece" - is that okay?

    If the government interference means saving lives then so be it, surely? Again this needs to be looked at in terms of our nearest and dearest. How would we feel if someone we knew / family was injured or died owing to an employer corner cutting on safety? Would we say, "it's okay, the employer was struggling to make a profit"?

    If our aunt or nephew or brother or son or daughter or wife said " I have been off work for 6 months as the workload is making me ill" would we say "tough...get another job as the employer has to make a profit"?

  27. #27
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    H&S at work well like graham says , comen sense is all we need, H&S has gone to far just like europe putting its two penny worth into everything that is brittish, dont get me wrong you have to be safe in any work you do but there is the right way and there is there way, been there done it

  28. #28
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    You know exactly what I'm saying.

    There is no need to go to extremes (normal practice when running out of steam in a debate. )

    I've said my piece and will now bow out before I become STRESSED .

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post

    You know exactly what I'm saying.

    There is no need to go to extremes (normal practice when running out of steam in a debate. )

    I've said my piece and will now bow out before I become STRESSED .
    I know what you are saying, but strongly disagree with some of it.

    Running out of steam....I could go on for weeks....I haven't gone to extremes, simply using good illustrative examples to make a point. I am not sure that you have thought the whole thing through.

    People often change their mind on Health and Safety after an accident / injury / work related illness.

  30. #30
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    That's what I was worrying about !

    Bye !

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