Hello everyone,i hope your all greatt
Please can member here give me any advice on how to help my anghel.
About 6 weeks ago she got this rash,its just on her hands and feet,its blistering and so so painful,and the itching is driving her loco and she cant sleep many times,i just came off line talking to her and she is in tears,she has suffered so vey much with this rash and feels `ashamed`and i keep trying to reassure her never to feel ashamed or sad because its not her fault..She has tried everything ,creams,injections,and faith healers ,but still it wont go,and its expensive for her .Ive sent E45 cream but its taking so long to get to her.She cant work,because she does manicuring to support herself,so this gets her down and sad even more because she needs the extra income,and again she said she feels ashamed to me because im sending Peso for her and our kids for food and jello,and for creams etc,and she doesent want me to keep sending, she is so good i cant say i words,my heart crys out to her . .I asked about this rash on yahoo ,and my anghel keeps saying its like someone has put a curse on her,i think the term is USOG?..I have told her not to think such things ,its an infection,maybe a tropical disease,or perhaps she could have got this infection by manicuring someones nails,i just dont know what to do to help her ,and i can see that she is becoming more and more distressed,how can i help her????..I asked can she go hospital and see the doctors there,but she said its expensive ,i told her please go now,because she really has suffered enough with this rash.To have to sit here and watch her cry and i am so far away is sooo upsetting and distressing,i just wish it was October and i was with her and could comfort her.Does any member here know anything about these rashes,or this usog???? and the best cream or course of treatment,and please could you let me know how i can help end her suffering,i am going into town later,if any member knows a good cream please let me know and i will post for her ,and thanks for any advice you can kindly give me and my anghel ,
many many thanks ,
jeff and Maria,and my anghel Mariasol![]()