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Thread: PLS READ , I Need A Favour

  1. #1
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    PLS READ , I Need A Favour

    anyone who wouldn't mind giving me their Ref number whose fiancee visa granted: either of the following

    *even without bookings arrangement ( register or venue)
    *whose relationship developed over the internet and then met for only a short period or met not more than twice with a lengthy gap of no meetings before applying for a fiancee visa

    i dont know if its alright to ask the ref number but if its alright i would like to use it as additional support to present a case for the ECM review of the refusal decision

  2. #2
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    How short is short? I knew my wife for 6 months before she applied for her Spouse visa. I met her twice in that time.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    How short is short? I knew my wife for 6 months before she applied for her Spouse visa. I met her twice in that time.
    hi thank for the reply. like maybe longest is ten days. and then no meetings happened between the last meeting until the application submitted for nearly a year or over a year.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by travina View Post
    hi thank for the reply. like maybe longest is ten days. and then no meetings happened between the last meeting until the application submitted for nearly a year or over a year.
    A large gap between your last meeting and the application?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    A large gap between your last meeting and the application?
    yes a large gap. because my bf and I met when I was in the UK. and then i came back home here in the philippines. weve been apart for 1 yr and a few days and then ECO refused my application because my bf has not sought to visit me here since i left the UK.

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    Quote Originally Posted by travina View Post
    yes a large gap. because my bf and I met when I was in the UK. and then i came back home here in the philippines. weve been apart for 1 yr and a few days and then ECO refused my application because my bf has not sought to visit me here since i left the UK.
    I see. I think that can make a difference. In our case I saw my wife just two months before she applied for her visa.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    I see. I think that can make a difference. In our case I saw my wife just two months before she applied for her visa.
    ah ok, thanks for your reply anywayz.

  8. #8
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    I'm afraid it would be pointless providing a reference number from someone else as the ECO will refuse to discuss other people's cases for two reasons. 1, being that each case is determined on its own merits, and 2, the Data Protection Act would prevent them acknowledging details of other peoples cases.

    The best you can do is provide as much reason/evidence as possible to explain the prolonged time between seeing each other.

    Good luck with the application

  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you need to have met at least once, but obviously the more times the better, once or a couple of times you chances of refusal might increase, the ECO might say they don't believe your relationship is genuine.

    Intervening Devotion If the applicant and sponsor have been separated for a lengthy period of time before the application is submitted (for example, longer than 3 or 4 months), then evidence of intervening devotion should be included. This would normally take the form of telephone records or other forms of electronic communication. If the couple have lived separately for a longer period, travel receipts can be used to show that contact has been continual and proportionate.

    If a prolonged separation is the result of mobility issues (which would include military duties or other foreign assignments), this would take the form of assignment letters or similar documentation.

    When submitting email or instant messenger logs, it is important to bear in mind that intervening devotion means evidence of contact and not an exhaustive transcript of each on-line session.

    There is an interesting view on texting versus voice calls given in Goudey (subsisting marriage – evidence) Sudan [2012] UKUT 00041(IAC). Also relevant to 'intervening devotion' is the court decision in Naz (subsisting marriage - standard of proof) Pakistan [2012] UKUT 40 (IAC) (16 January 2012)

  10. #10
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    Hi Travina

    We got our Visa in May this year. We had only met twice over a period of two years. The application was made in March and we had last met in July the previous year, a gap of 8 months. We did not have any bookings for a wedding of any kind but had agreed a church blessing and our application was successful at the first attempt. If we can be of any assistance please feel free to message us.

    Not sure if quoting our case would be of any significance but glad to give it if it helps.

    Dave and Lolita

  11. #11
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    Hi Travina

    Further to our earlier message I should also point out that we provided no proof of intervening devotion. We simply told them that we spoke every day face to face via Yahoo messenger. Proof of devotion is recommended but not absolutely necessary unless the requirements have changed since March this year. I did include a sample mobile phone bill and a single month's e-mail list from Yahoo but nothing else.

    As quoted by others each case is treated on its own merit so maybe there are other weaknesses? Good Luck.

    Dave and Lolita

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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveUK View Post
    I'm afraid it would be pointless providing a reference number from someone else as the ECO will refuse to discuss other people's cases for two reasons. 1, being that each case is determined on its own merits, and 2, the Data Protection Act would prevent them acknowledging details of other peoples cases.

    The best you can do is provide as much reason/evidence as possible to explain the prolonged time between seeing each other.

    Good luck with the application
    i see your point but i wont ask the ECO to discuss the case, its just a sort of reference for them to be aware that i know some people on the same case with me got the visa

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave0555 View Post
    Hi Travina

    We got our Visa in May this year. We had only met twice over a period of two years. The application was made in March and we had last met in July the previous year, a gap of 8 months. We did not have any bookings for a wedding of any kind but had agreed a church blessing and our application was successful at the first attempt. If we can be of any assistance please feel free to message us.

    Not sure if quoting our case would be of any significance but glad to give it if it helps.

    Dave and Lolita
    hi dave. your situation i guess would really help in pointing out to the ECM and ECO that people on the same case with me got the visa. the simple of refusal was just that we made no bookings but we provided register office letter about not giving provisionary booking, and that my bf has not come to visit me here in the philippines within that period of separation and the eco wont accept skype chats of 300pages plus facevook conversation. can i have your reference number if its alright? i just have to tell the ECM that the person with this ref number had the visa without booking arrangement and been away for 8 months.

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    Quote Originally Posted by travina View Post
    i see your point but i wont ask the ECO to discuss the case, its just a sort of reference for them to be aware that i know some people on the same case with me got the visa
    It won't matter I'm afraid. They will just stonewall you with the standard "We cannot comment on other cases" if you even remotely mention another case. Very annoying sadly, especially when you know you could draw a lot of comparisons in your favour

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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveUK View Post
    It won't matter I'm afraid. They will just stonewall you with the standard "We cannot comment on other cases" if you even remotely mention another case. Very annoying sadly, especially when you know you could draw a lot of comparisons in your favour
    yes i agree. but i hope the ECM would overturn the decision. for the doubts if our relationship is genuine started on the number photos. because we only submitted 5 but the ECO thought that it was taken on the same date because eco wrongly judged that i was wearing the same clothing on the photos. so the statement implied that my bf and i met only once due to her wrong judgement of the photos. it was very clear that im wearing different clothing.

  16. #16
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    how long were you in a relationship with your b/f when you were in the UK? didn't you have any other photos or evidence that you were together while in the UK ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    how long were you in a relationship with your b/f when you were in the UK? didn't you have any other photos or evidence that you were together while in the UK ?
    hi we've been seeing each other as a couple for 1 year in the uk before i came back here in the philippines, and we only had 9 days of photos in total. we only submitted 5 photos on the first application. and now in our appeal we provided additional 4 photos and luckily my bf retrieved all the text messages he received from me the entire 1 yr.

  18. #18
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    did your bf came to visit you to Philippines yet?
    Life as we make it

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    Quote Originally Posted by purple View Post
    did your bf came to visit you to Philippines yet?
    he did not because he just finished uni when i left and then started a full time job so his priority is my visa application to save up money for the financial requirement and then to rent a flat and save up money for the visa fee. other expenses, and to put savings in his bank account. btw my bf already emailed the embassy insisting that the reply of his query should be in personal approach and should be answered by either the ECM or the ECO. he asked about why requiring him to visit me when its not a requirement with valid reasons of why he is unable to

  20. #20
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    Hi travina,

    We have the same situation. Now, I am still waiting for my Appeal which is really frustrating. They said it may take 3 to 6 months. Did you file you appeal yet?

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    Quote Originally Posted by jehzroblenida View Post
    Hi travina,

    We have the same situation. Now, I am still waiting for my Appeal which is really frustrating. They said it may take 3 to 6 months. Did you file you appeal yet?
    hi jehzo,
    i already filed my appeal and the tribunal already sent the appeal bundle to the embassy here in manila last aug 3 and the ECM is given until dec 4, 2012 to either overturn or upheld the original refusal decision. btw, may i ask whats the reason of your refusal and what type of visa you applied for?

  22. #22
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    Hi Travina,

    I am appealing as a fiancee and my appeal bundle was sent back to Manila last 3rd of August. We have the same situation. The ECO's are just trying their luck and picking the wrong people which is really upsetting. We are trying to seek the help of our local MP and different people as British Embassy here in Manila is very unhelpful.

  23. #23
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    I met my fiancee 7 months before my visa expired, I went back here in the Philippines last February 2011. Since then I haven't seen my fiancee for more than a year and the ECO used that to refused my visa. Maybe we have the same ECO Mr.PR? Hope not!

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    Quote Originally Posted by jehzroblenida View Post
    I met my fiancee 7 months before my visa expired, I went back here in the Philippines last February 2011. Since then I haven't seen my fiancee for more than a year and the ECO used that to refused my visa. Maybe we have the same ECO Mr.PR? Hope not!
    hi jehzro,

    my ECO is S BALFOUR. and i guess your ECO didnt accept the skype chats you submitted as a clear evidence of a subsisting relationship. I even submitted ALL our skype chats. my bf just wrote a letter in a diagram form of reasons why he has not sought to visit me here. but if i wont get a visa, my bf will come to visit me. at least i have someone now to talk with similar situation. is that the only reason your visa get refused?

  25. #25
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    the problem with skype and chat logs, is its easy to make them up with a text editor/word processor, people should use snail mail more - send a letter to each other every few months and keep the envelopes - one type of evidence they can't ignore.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by travina View Post
    hi jehzro,

    my ECO is S BALFOUR. and i guess your ECO didnt accept the skype chats you submitted as a clear evidence of a subsisting relationship. I even submitted ALL our skype chats. my bf just wrote a letter in a diagram form of reasons why he has not sought to visit me here. but if i wont get a visa, my bf will come to visit me. at least i have someone now to talk with similar situation. is that the only reason your visa get refused?
    Hi Travina,
    My ECO just ignored the skype transcript, almost 50 photos together, letters, etc. The most upsetting part is he mentioned that he can't see any hindrance why my fiancee can't just come here in the Philippines to have a family here. One more thing is, I have a friend who went to the same application, same documents and she had her VISA whilst mine was refused! If ever they will not give me a visa after the appeal, we are then planning to get married here and file another application as wife.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by jehzroblenida View Post
    Hi Travina,
    My ECO just ignored the skype transcript, almost 50 photos together, letters, etc. The most upsetting part is he mentioned that he can't see any hindrance why my fiancee can't just come here in the Philippines to have a family here. One more thing is, I have a friend who went to the same application, same documents and she had her VISA whilst mine was refused! If ever they will not give me a visa after the appeal, we are then planning to get married here and file another application as wife.
    what were the exact reasons you were refused for ?
    did you send your appeal form off yet ?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    the problem with skype and chat logs, is its easy to make them up with a text editor/word processor, people should use snail mail more - send a letter to each other every few months and keep the envelopes - one type of evidence they can't ignore.
    Hi joebloggs,

    Sad to say they will also ignore such evidence. As I mentioned to Travina I have a friend who went to the same application and she had her visa. It depends on the ECO's mood maybe.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    what were the exact reasons you were refused for ?
    did you send your appeal form off yet ?
    Hi joebloggs,

    I did last 15 th of July and the Tribunal confirmed that they sent the Appeal bundle here in Manila on the 3rd of August. We are trying to contact the embassy via Switchboard number, the sad thing is the operator will just direct us to another number and NO one is answering after more than 10 minutes of call.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    what were the exact reasons you were refused for ?
    did you send your appeal form off yet ?
    I did! It is now back to Manila and they said that it may take 3-6 months for an appeal

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