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Thread: crazy hard anulment

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  1. #1
    Member petti's Avatar
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    Unhappy crazy hard anulment

    Hello, im new to this place, but i can see that there is some in here that may know that way of anulments.

    We have been togehter now for a while, and we started this anulment case about 6 months ago. Its very hard on me, and it shure is more hard for the lady
    in the middle of all of this. The case is like this:

    She run away from him, about 1 year before she meet me.
    He (xhusband) have now a new girlfriend.
    They have a child together. And now when the xhusband got this anulment up
    in his face, he have decided to make hell. And are of cource aware of me as a forreigner. but still dont know me, og have never seen me.
    The case runs one time a month. Witch i think are SLOW!

    First of all, i dunno how to behave into this all. Its really hard, and i try to rush her to rush her atty. and rush her a little to do her investigations too.
    I dunno how its like with paying under the table, and please someone tell me a little on how mutch, or how i shall bring forward. Can i bring money to ask to get more than once a month ?? How about if the xhusband paying money there too????

    The xhusband claims that he will never accept money for a settlement, and it seems to me that he is only going to make hell for us.
    but on the other hand, what does the other atty get out of this, if u know what i mean.

    I dunno.... im frusterating, im thinking 24-7 what to do.... is there any hope?
    What can i do....

    pardon my English.. im Norwegian

  2. #2
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    87 are really in a big trouble!as for me am no expert to that coz i`ve never been into that case there`s plenty of members here i guess could help you in that matters but all I can advise you is to pray harder and be patient
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by petti View Post
    pardon my English.. im Norwegian
    Don't worry, we can't understand the Welsh either
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    beautiful belfast-now/beautiful bayawan-future!
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    awww mate, that's a very difficult situation . . ..

    ummmm anyone on here who can help???


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    beautiful belfast-now/beautiful bayawan-future!
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    oh forgot to say


  6. #6
    Respected Member mach's Avatar
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    where did your girlfriend file for annulment??? generally it is not easy and fast to get an annulment in the philippines.

  7. #7
    Member petti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mach View Post
    where did your girlfriend file for annulment??? generally it is not easy and fast to get an annulment in the philippines.
    Waaaah! Thats depends on whos asking, and whos reading this forum.
    But lets say Visayas....

  8. #8
    Respected Member mach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by petti View Post
    Waaaah! Thats depends on whos asking, and whos reading this forum.
    But lets say Visayas....
    i am not so familiar with the way things work in the visayas. from what i've learned in metro manila you can have the marriage annulled in as fast as six months and the longest will be 2 years. this is not applicable to all cities in metro manila.

  9. #9
    Member petti's Avatar
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    Thanks for anwers guys!

    I payed the atty for now about 87k, and he claimed the case should take up to 4 months. AND he sweared to me that i will get the money refund if dismiss.
    That dealdine has passed, and we did pay him a little at a time as agreed.
    Now hes asking my GF for a little extre fee everytime they go to court for
    driving and food bills....
    My GF and i feels that he is now slowing down, and we really dont know what to do. We have had a little break now, because she just visited me in here.
    And now we need to get on wth it.

    ANd there is only 1 hearing in a month, is it possible to get more??

    @admin..... can u delete my double posting please....some how
    this site need to approve some of the contents in here, and i tried 3 times
    before it whent up for me.

  10. #10
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by petti View Post
    Hello, im new to this place, but i can see that there is some in here that may know that way of anulments.

    We have been togehter now for a while, and we started this anulment case about 6 months ago. Its very hard on me, and it shure is more hard for the lady
    in the middle of all of this. The case is like this:

    She run away from him, about 1 year before she meet me.
    He (xhusband) have now a new girlfriend.
    They have a child together. And now when the xhusband got this anulment up
    in his face, he have decided to make hell. And are of cource aware of me as a forreigner. but still dont know me, og have never seen me.
    The case runs one time a month. Witch i think are SLOW!

    First of all, i dunno how to behave into this all. Its really hard, and i try to rush her to rush her atty. and rush her a little to do her investigations too.
    I dunno how its like with paying under the table, and please someone tell me a little on how mutch, or how i shall bring forward. Can i bring money to ask to get more than once a month ?? How about if the xhusband paying money there too????

    The xhusband claims that he will never accept money for a settlement, and it seems to me that he is only going to make hell for us.
    but on the other hand, what does the other atty get out of this, if u know what i mean.

    I dunno.... im frusterating, im thinking 24-7 what to do.... is there any hope?
    What can i do....

    pardon my English.. im Norwegian

    i feel so sorry for you so i did try to search some article about annulment case in the Philippines the best advice is don't do it under the table do it legally there are so many ground that the x wife can file for annulment we just don't seem to know why she run away from her husband don't worry to much everything will be fine you just needs loads of patience in time to clear it to wait after things were clear up so you can have a better and best life to start here in the uk....but its best to search how things this annulment things goes on in the Philippines just do some searching online....goodluck
    Filipina a born survivor!

  11. #11
    Member petti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eljean View Post

    i feel so sorry for you so i did try to search some article about annulment case in the Philippines the best advice is don't do it under the table do it legally there are so many ground that the x wife can file for annulment we just don't seem to know why she run away from her husband don't worry to much everything will be fine you just needs loads of patience in time to clear it to wait after things were clear up so you can have a better and best life to start here in the uk....but its best to search how things this annulment things goes on in the Philippines just do some searching online....goodluck
    Thanks m8, i did read this one long time ago

    Yes we are on the roll with the "legal" anulment process, but what i asked for, was how mutch eatch time i should put together.... for being friend with the jugement system in there?
    Anywhay reading som related storys yesterday made me feel more relaxed.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    so she IS from the visayas then ?!?!


  13. #13
    Member mamichris's Avatar
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    got an idea...

    Quote Originally Posted by petti View Post
    Hello, im new to this place, but i can see that there is some in here that may know that way of anulments.

    We have been togehter now for a while, and we started this anulment case about 6 months ago. Its very hard on me, and it shure is more hard for the lady
    in the middle of all of this. The case is like this:

    She run away from him, about 1 year before she meet me.
    He (xhusband) have now a new girlfriend.
    They have a child together. And now when the xhusband got this anulment up
    in his face, he have decided to make hell. And are of cource aware of me as a forreigner. but still dont know me, og have never seen me.
    The case runs one time a month. Witch i think are SLOW!

    First of all, i dunno how to behave into this all. Its really hard, and i try to rush her to rush her atty. and rush her a little to do her investigations too.
    I dunno how its like with paying under the table, and please someone tell me a little on how mutch, or how i shall bring forward. Can i bring money to ask to get more than once a month ?? How about if the xhusband paying money there too????

    The xhusband claims that he will never accept money for a settlement, and it seems to me that he is only going to make hell for us.
    but on the other hand, what does the other atty get out of this, if u know what i mean.

    I dunno.... im frusterating, im thinking 24-7 what to do.... is there any hope?
    What can i do....

    pardon my English.. im Norwegian
    Hi petti! I know a friend who had to go through annulment case...and my sis also works for a lawyer who deals with such cases. Annulment charges (considering this was filed in Cebu City) should be no more than 150,000PESOS. if it goes beyond that, then that is a rip off attorney you hired! my sis said the case usually should last no more than 2 years yes 2 years! but the way the filipino system can last up to 3 yrs esp. knowing there's a child involved. just make sure you get a good damn lawyer in that area where you're filing the casei'm sure you'll both get through it.
    my ranting, my blogs, my life...

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    beautiful belfast-now/beautiful bayawan-future!
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    good advice

  15. #15
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    It does say on the registration page right at the top that Newbie posts may be moderated.
    Keith - Administrator

  16. #16
    Member cryingbaby's Avatar
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    hello, i wanna try to help but i want to know how heavy is her ground for annulment?and why did she ran away from him?im from davao city..its takes months and years to file there but they said its cheaper when you file in cotabato city..less than 3 months for 90,000.00..its bad visayas is airplane and ferry away from mindanao..u should get a good lawyer and u should get someone who u can trust, someone who is educated coz there might be cases that those people just want to ripped you off..its hard to trust really..u should be could be that your wife has no ehavy grounds for annulment and thats really causing the delay of the case or it could be thats ex- husband just wanna get money from you beacause youre a foreigner, or it just could be that he wanted to take revenge to his wife, thats why he's making it hard for you even though he got a gf now..u need to be there and dont offer money right away...there are so many scammers in the philippines...good day..

  17. #17
    Member petti's Avatar
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    The lawyer are educated and listed ok.
    And the x-husband i think are just after revenge.
    I think i just have to be careful not to say too mutch in here and too deep into this. Because i dunno who is reading.

    How about PMs, i cannot see any PM button to send Private messages??

  18. #18
    Respected Member mach's Avatar
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    i believe that aside from the acceptance fee you need to pay the lawyer for attorney's fee for appearing in court every hearing. That would range from two thousand pesos to three thousand pesos. it depends on how far the court is located.

  19. #19
    Member petti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mach View Post
    i believe that aside from the acceptance fee you need to pay the lawyer for attorney's fee for appearing in court every hearing. That would range from two thousand pesos to three thousand pesos. it depends on how far the court is located.
    OK thank you!
    Its very hard to understand what the lady explains to me sometimes.

  20. #20
    Respected Member gracia143's Avatar
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    Hi Petti! Have been through an annulment too and it took me less than 5 months to get the decision and a month for the lawyer is a lady who is really tough (one or two of the members here have hired her too in the past and the decision they got were all positive). I know it is hard to go through all these and the only ticket for you to be able to come out triumphant is to find the best lawyer in town. Basing on what you were saying here about the lawyer you have hired, I doubt that he is reliable enough. My lawyer never asked me extra fees, it was stated in the contract that i needed to pay 90thou upon acceptance of the case, another 45thou after the papers has been served to both me and my ex then another 45thou when the decision is out...she was very professional and I could phone her up even in the middle of the night and have gained her friendship throughout the process too. She even emails my fiance to let him know how the case is going. I hope you have done all the research before engaging that lawyer's service...I too am from Mindanao but my Lawyer is from Manila. I hope I can be of help if you need more info. Just pm me...good luck anyway!
    The bravest thing that men do is love women--Mort Sahl

  21. #21
    Member petti's Avatar
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    Thank you all for promising and comforting words.
    Im a man with few words, so its not so easy for me to just call the lawyer and ask, maybe i say something wrong.
    But i just called him, and i had a long and good conversation with him.
    My "gut" says that he is good, but thats yet for him to prove.
    Our case is one of the difficult once i think, but we should have good chanses to succeed if the cards are beeing played right.

  22. #22
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by petti View Post
    Thank you all for promising and comforting words.
    Im a man with few words, so its not so easy for me to just call the lawyer and ask, maybe i say something wrong.
    But i just called him, and i had a long and good conversation with him.
    My "gut" says that he is good, but thats yet for him to prove.
    Our case is one of the difficult once i think, but we should have good chanses to succeed if the cards are beeing played right.
    Hi Petti,
    There are many good lawyers you just have to find him/her. The earliest approved annulment case i have heard was 7 months and it cost her P180K package. You don't have to pay for the appearance fee anymore. There are lawyers who charge P50K, 60K or less than P100K but you have to pay for the appearance fee of P1,500 or P2,000; pay for the Sheriff so he will deliver the summons; pay for the clerk, etc etc. You have choices anyway. Lenght of waiting for the approval depends on the grounds of annulment. If there are no children , no properties or uncontested then it is faster, 7 months -2yrs the most otherwise it will take you longer than 2 yrs.
    Good luck!!!!!

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