Hello, im new to this place, but i can see that there is some in here that may know that way of anulments.
We have been togehter now for a while, and we started this anulment case about 6 months ago. Its very hard on me, and it shure is more hard for the lady
in the middle of all of this. The case is like this:
She run away from him, about 1 year before she meet me.
He (xhusband) have now a new girlfriend.
They have a child together. And now when the xhusband got this anulment up
in his face, he have decided to make hell. And are of cource aware of me as a forreigner. but still dont know me, og have never seen me.
The case runs one time a month. Witch i think are SLOW!
First of all, i dunno how to behave into this all. Its really hard, and i try to rush her to rush her atty. and rush her a little to do her investigations too.
I dunno how its like with paying under the table, and please someone tell me a little on how mutch, or how i shall bring forward. Can i bring money to ask to get more than once a month ?? How about if the xhusband paying money there too????

The xhusband claims that he will never accept money for a settlement, and it seems to me that he is only going to make hell for us.
but on the other hand, what does the other atty get out of this, if u know what i mean.
I dunno.... im frusterating, im thinking 24-7 what to do.... is there any hope?
What can i do....
pardon my English.. im Norwegian