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  1. #1
    Member chieldave's Avatar
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    payslip lost guys to feel less frustrated with this thing....
    My husband lost his MAY 2012 payslip,we plan to pass the application by second week of NOV 2012,that only means we can only provide 5 months record of payslip he has.Before that,we really intend to pass only 5 months payslip and bank statements since the record of May bank statement is not so good,that made us feel ok since on the application requirements it says at least 3-6 months statement or more.....but just made me surprised when i just read the changes that can't find somewhere anymore it says at least 3 months but instead at least 6 months period prior to the application or more...We think of only chances to give the 6 months record is to move application by DEcember so can have 6 months from june-november record,but the problem is he booked already his vacation here by nov same time of our application to submit,and if moving the application it by december its just make a bit big changes of his bank records and savings as well due to the expenses that will be having by nov...
    what you think of us just going to pass 5 months payslip and bank statement,is it a big risk with our application that will goes down?need your advise folks..
    be positive,everything is gonna be ok

  2. #2
    Respected Member quickwillow's Avatar
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    Hi chieldave,
    I had the same problem, but easy to fix your husband can order another statement from his bank for a fee

  3. #3
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    Ask his employer for another payslip, or obtain a copy of the bank statement would be the easiest actions.

  4. #4
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    I was in the same position. I just asked my employer for another one. If it is an obvious duplicate or printed version, get them to stamp it and sign it.

    Same for bank statements. I ordered replacements which were copies but not originals. I just got them signed and stamped by the bank.

  5. #5
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    Firstly, I don't think you have any need to change your plans.
    I also don't think you should have any concerns about the 'financial condition' of the May bank statement since the key really is match up the payslips with payments going into the bank account.
    Under the new rules the UKBA is not concerned at all about the 'financial condition'.

    The purpose is not to draw up a personal financial balance sheet for each couple (outgoings, credit card and other debts, mortgage, etc), but to take £18,600 (or the higher level for children) as a benchmark for financial stability and independence on the part of the partner or the couple.

    The very important link is that between payslips and bank statements over the 6 month period immediately before the vis application.

    As others have said you MUST secure a duplicate playslip from the employer or at least a covering letter from the employer with an explanation of why a duplicate cannot be provided. Such a letter would need to confirm the MAY salary details.

    Please do not be tempted to miss that payslip from your submission. The caseworker will at best request it and at worst may refuse the application.

    Here's what UKBA say about that situation:-

    Caseworkers have discretion to rectify minor errors in an otherwise compliant application, e.g. where the applicant has made a simple arithmetical error in adding up properly evidenced figures in the application form, or where the application would meet the financial requirement except that a piece of specified evidence is missing (e.g. one bank statement in a series) and contact with the applicant establishes that this can be submitted quickly. If the applicant fails to send the specified document(s) within the requested time period, the application will fall for refusal.

    Hope this helps

    BTW It was me who added the highlighting in the above quote

  6. #6
    Member chieldave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post

    Firstly, I don't think you have any need to change your plans.
    I also don't think you should have any concerns about the 'financial condition' of the May bank statement since the key really is match up the payslips with payments going into the bank account.
    Under the new rules the UKBA is not concerned at all about the 'financial condition'.

    The purpose is not to draw up a personal financial balance sheet for each couple (outgoings, credit card and other debts, mortgage, etc), but to take £18,600 (or the higher level for children) as a benchmark for financial stability and independence on the part of the partner or the couple.

    The very important link is that between payslips and bank statements over the 6 month period immediately before the vis application.

    As others have said you MUST secure a duplicate playslip from the employer or at least a covering letter from the employer with an explanation of why a duplicate cannot be provided. Such a letter would need to confirm the MAY salary details.

    Please do not be tempted to miss that payslip from your submission. The caseworker will at best request it and at worst may refuse the application.

    He's what UKBA say about that situation:-

    Hope this helps

    BTW It was me who added the highlighting in the above quote

    Thanks for the reply sir Terpe.
    Our concern of May is even we already can provide payslip(from ideas of folks above) and bank statement of it,the records of it appears very low cash money left on it or should I say no money left but not overdraft at end of May due to the kitchen renovation expenses hubby did(which can be considered not belong on non-expenditures thingy).Do u mean that even records appeared like that,we have nothing to worry on it since the embassy much concern is if the sponsor able to reached that 18,600 or more?(BTW,hubby's income reached more than 18,600 based on P60,we thankful for that)...

    Hmm,that's it sir,another thing made me think now too,,since the most current P60 he has only contains the records until April 2012,in which records do embassy will base if hubby does able to reach18,600,is that from the P60 2011-2012 or from MAy 2012 till October 2012 income through payslip and bank statement since next P60 will be given not till April 2013?considering we gonna pass the application by November 2012....

    sorry for this questions sir,just needed some answers that could help enlighten the mind and situation..
    be positive,everything is gonna be ok

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by chieldave View Post
    Hmm,that's it sir,another thing made me think now too,,since the most current P60 he has only contains the records until April 2012,in which records do embassy will base if hubby does able to reach18,600,is that from the P60 2011-2012 or from MAy 2012 till October 2012 income through payslip and bank statement since next P60 will be given not till April 2013?considering we gonna pass the application by November 2012....
    We were in a similar position. We applied this time last year. Basically, we didnt submit the P60 for the same reason and because all the relevant information is on the payslips anyway. The last payslip for the last tax year 2011-2012 has essentially the same info as the P60.

    I would guess that all the ECO has to do is add up the gross pay on the submitted consecutive payslips to see what your hubby earned in the half year then double it......then bingo!

  8. #8
    Member chieldave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    We were in a similar position. We applied this time last year. Basically, we didnt submit the P60 for the same reason and because all the relevant information is on the payslips anyway. The last payslip for the last tax year 2011-2012 has essentially the same info as the P60.

    I would guess that all the ECO has to do is add up the gross pay on the submitted consecutive payslips to see what your hubby earned in the half year then double it......then bingo!

    Lastlid,thank you so much for that,it really helps my mind at peace..I've thought of that already,its just needed a lil mind insurance that's why I brought that question...

    But here's another concern guys,still need your thinking of it...
    I mentioned above that we might include May bank statement so to make it complete the 6 months payslip and bank statement(considering still we gonna pass the application by Nov2012)...As I've looked the MAy bank statement hubby has,it has appeared overdrawn on it,but the case is,the overdrawn is not because of hubby withdrawn money beyond available(overdrawn appeared around 170 pounds) was an error on company taking that money out unauthorized then put it back on the same day....but still what make us worried is it's already appeared the overdrawn,it's just making the statement dirty to look at even not our fault...
    do you think it will be ok to include still the May records even has overdrawn but of course to make it clear for embassy,we will include it on hubby's letter and explain well the main reason of it including the explanation that it returned the same day?....guys pls help ,its only the way we think to include MAy so we can apply by Nov...really hoping to receive same thoughts but open as well to whatever best ideas about this from you folks..
    be positive,everything is gonna be ok

  9. #9
    Respected Member quickwillow's Avatar
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    Hi again,
    I'm no expert on the new rules but my understanding is.. it's not about how much savings you have now as under the old rules. Your hubby just needs to prove he earns the required £18,600. The new rules seem a little stupid to me, people that earn less than the required amount could be in a much better situation to support their loved ones even though they don't earn £18,600

  10. #10
    Member chieldave's Avatar
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    to quickwillow,RickyR and Lastlid..thank you for those ideas....we have no problem about bank statement since he able to keep it,and the payslip from june onwards as well,only the all May payslip lost and thank you again for giving idea how to have copy of it....gonna tell it to him...
    be positive,everything is gonna be ok

  11. #11
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    Quick Willow is merely pointing out the craziness of the current (new) requirements.

    Whereas before it was based on disposable income, now it's based on actual income.

    So.... for example, if you earn £15,000pa, no debts, and own your own house outright, then you've basically got a disposable income of £15,000 to support yourself (and your loved ones).

    .... if you earn £18,600pa, have lots of debts, and pay rent/mortgage, then perhaps after these deductions, you've only got a disposable income of £3,000.

    In the old case, the ECO would look more favourably at the first scenario.
    Now however, earning £18,600 is the measure ........ not how much you've actually got to live on. So the guy earning "just" £15,000 will have his application rejected.

    Totally wrong in my opinion ..... and let's wait for the various legal challenges.

    Hope this clarifies / explains the point QuickWillow was making.
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  12. #12
    Member chieldave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdjones View Post
    Quick Willow is merely pointing out the craziness of the current (new) requirements.

    Whereas before it was based on disposable income, now it's based on actual income.

    So.... for example, if you earn £15,000pa, no debts, and own your own house outright, then you've basically got a disposable income of £15,000 to support yourself (and your loved ones).

    .... if you earn £18,600pa, have lots of debts, and pay rent/mortgage, then perhaps after these deductions, you've only got a disposable income of £3,000.

    In the old case, the ECO would look more favourably at the first scenario.
    Now however, earning £18,600 is the measure ........ not how much you've actually got to live on. So the guy earning "just" £15,000 will have his application rejected.

    Totally wrong in my opinion ..... and let's wait for the various legal challenges.

    Hope this clarifies / explains the point QuickWillow was making.

    ahhh,thanks for the explanation bluebirdjones,very much appreciated
    this new changes makes us,hubby was really annoyed with it coz he really tried to do what's on old rules before we pass the application but suddenly changed...,no choice but to follow this new one or else knew the result already
    be positive,everything is gonna be ok

  13. #13
    Member chieldave's Avatar
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    hi guys,an update from my first post above,,,my husband was able to get another copy of his May payslip since the original was lost...but he said that when he received today the copy he asked,they were not the same looking,it's different from original.Then also he got still the old pay number on the copy he just received contrary to the lost original where it got the new pay number on it,he asked this then their reply,"because any request for duplicates get copied off the old system and originals off new",they said that they will not give hubby originals just copies...

    anyone who have been in this situation?
    be positive,everything is gonna be ok

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by chieldave View Post
    hi guys,an update from my first post above,,,my husband was able to get another copy of his May payslip since the original was lost...but he said that when he received today the copy he asked,they were not the same looking,it's different from original.Then also he got still the old pay number on the copy he just received contrary to the lost original where it got the new pay number on it,he asked this then their reply,"because any request for duplicates get copied off the old system and originals off new",they said that they will not give hubby originals just copies...

    anyone who have been in this situation?
    Yes. Exactly the same situation. The reissued payslip was visibly different so I got my employer to stamp it and sign it.

  15. #15
    Member chieldave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Yes. Exactly the same situation. The reissued payslip was visibly different so I got my employer to stamp it and sign it.

    ohh thanks for this responds lastlidjust told hubby about it,he made a call,and they said they gonna make and include a letter of explanation together with those copies ...hmm does stamp still needed with that letter?or just fine with signature?
    be positive,everything is gonna be ok

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by chieldave View Post
    ohh thanks for this responds lastlidjust told hubby about it,he made a call,and they said they gonna make and include a letter of explanation together with those copies ...hmm does stamp still needed with that letter?or just fine with signature?
    In our case there was no letter, so the stamp and signature was desirable. Seeing as you have the letter and the pay slip is signed, then I would think it would suffice.

  17. #17
    Respected Member quickwillow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdjones View Post
    Quick Willow is merely pointing out the craziness of the current (new) requirements.

    Whereas before it was based on disposable income, now it's based on actual income.

    So.... for example, if you earn £15,000pa, no debts, and own your own house outright, then you've basically got a disposable income of £15,000 to support yourself (and your loved ones).

    .... if you earn £18,600pa, have lots of debts, and pay rent/mortgage, then perhaps after these deductions, you've only got a disposable income of £3,000.

    In the old case, the ECO would look more favourably at the first scenario.
    Now however, earning £18,600 is the measure ........ not how much you've actually got to live on. So the guy earning "just" £15,000 will have his application rejected.

    Totally wrong in my opinion ..... and let's wait for the various legal challenges.

    Hope this clarifies / explains the point QuickWillow was making.
    Hi Chieldave
    Bluebirdjones explained it perfectly thanks

  18. #18
    Member chieldave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by quickwillow View Post
    Hi Chieldave
    Bluebirdjones explained it perfectly thanks
    be positive,everything is gonna be ok

  19. #19
    Respected Member jlags90's Avatar
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    When I applied for my visa last year, we have two months missing wage slips.. I don't think it will be a problem because IF you have a letter from your husband's employer, it will surely tell for how long have he been employed there.
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    Quote Originally Posted by jlags90 View Post
    When I applied for my visa last year, we have two months missing wage slips.. I don't think it will be a problem because IF you have a letter from your husband's employer, it will surely tell for how long have he been employed there.
    The requirements now are very different from the requirements last year.
    These new rules specifically demand the 6 months payslips immediately prior to submission of the application.
    UKBA state there is no flexibility on that.

  21. #21
    Respected Member jlags90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    The requirements now are very different from the requirements last year.
    These new rules specifically demand the 6 months payslips immediately prior to submission of the application.
    UKBA state there is no flexibility on that.
    Sorry about that Terpe and chieldave.
    Good thing I applied before the new rules, I would have been refused...
    UKBA,UKBA I am dreading to hear from you...
    UKBA, a BRP for Christmas will do...

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