Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post

Firstly, I don't think you have any need to change your plans.
I also don't think you should have any concerns about the 'financial condition' of the May bank statement since the key really is match up the payslips with payments going into the bank account.
Under the new rules the UKBA is not concerned at all about the 'financial condition'.

The purpose is not to draw up a personal financial balance sheet for each couple (outgoings, credit card and other debts, mortgage, etc), but to take £18,600 (or the higher level for children) as a benchmark for financial stability and independence on the part of the partner or the couple.

The very important link is that between payslips and bank statements over the 6 month period immediately before the vis application.

As others have said you MUST secure a duplicate playslip from the employer or at least a covering letter from the employer with an explanation of why a duplicate cannot be provided. Such a letter would need to confirm the MAY salary details.

Please do not be tempted to miss that payslip from your submission. The caseworker will at best request it and at worst may refuse the application.

He's what UKBA say about that situation:-

Hope this helps

BTW It was me who added the highlighting in the above quote

Thanks for the reply sir Terpe.
Our concern of May is even we already can provide payslip(from ideas of folks above) and bank statement of it,the records of it appears very low cash money left on it or should I say no money left but not overdraft at end of May due to the kitchen renovation expenses hubby did(which can be considered not belong on non-expenditures thingy).Do u mean that even records appeared like that,we have nothing to worry on it since the embassy much concern is if the sponsor able to reached that 18,600 or more?(BTW,hubby's income reached more than 18,600 based on P60,we thankful for that)...

Hmm,that's it sir,another thing made me think now too,,since the most current P60 he has only contains the records until April 2012,in which records do embassy will base if hubby does able to reach18,600,is that from the P60 2011-2012 or from MAy 2012 till October 2012 income through payslip and bank statement since next P60 will be given not till April 2013?considering we gonna pass the application by November 2012....

sorry for this questions sir,just needed some answers that could help enlighten the mind and situation..