Quote Originally Posted by chieldave View Post
Hmm,that's it sir,another thing made me think now too,,since the most current P60 he has only contains the records until April 2012,in which records do embassy will base if hubby does able to reach18,600,is that from the P60 2011-2012 or from MAy 2012 till October 2012 income through payslip and bank statement since next P60 will be given not till April 2013?considering we gonna pass the application by November 2012....
We were in a similar position. We applied this time last year. Basically, we didnt submit the P60 for the same reason and because all the relevant information is on the payslips anyway. The last payslip for the last tax year 2011-2012 has essentially the same info as the P60.

I would guess that all the ECO has to do is add up the gross pay on the submitted consecutive payslips to see what your hubby earned in the half year then double it......then bingo!