Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
We were in a similar position. We applied this time last year. Basically, we didnt submit the P60 for the same reason and because all the relevant information is on the payslips anyway. The last payslip for the last tax year 2011-2012 has essentially the same info as the P60.

I would guess that all the ECO has to do is add up the gross pay on the submitted consecutive payslips to see what your hubby earned in the half year then double it......then bingo!

Lastlid,thank you so much for that,it really helps my mind at peace..I've thought of that already,its just needed a lil mind insurance that's why I brought that question...

But here's another concern guys,still need your thinking of it...
I mentioned above that we might include May bank statement so to make it complete the 6 months payslip and bank statement(considering still we gonna pass the application by Nov2012)...As I've looked the MAy bank statement hubby has,it has appeared overdrawn on it,but the case is,the overdrawn is not because of hubby withdrawn money beyond available(overdrawn appeared around 170 pounds)...it was an error on company taking that money out unauthorized then put it back on the same day....but still what make us worried is it's already appeared the overdrawn,it's just making the statement dirty to look at even not our fault...
do you think it will be ok to include still the May records even has overdrawn but of course to make it clear for embassy,we will include it on hubby's letter and explain well the main reason of it including the explanation that it returned the same day?....guys pls help ,its only the way we think to include MAy so we can apply by Nov...really hoping to receive same thoughts but open as well to whatever best ideas about this from you folks..