Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdjones View Post
Quick Willow is merely pointing out the craziness of the current (new) requirements.

Whereas before it was based on disposable income, now it's based on actual income.

So.... for example, if you earn £15,000pa, no debts, and own your own house outright, then you've basically got a disposable income of £15,000 to support yourself (and your loved ones).

.... if you earn £18,600pa, have lots of debts, and pay rent/mortgage, then perhaps after these deductions, you've only got a disposable income of £3,000.

In the old case, the ECO would look more favourably at the first scenario.
Now however, earning £18,600 is the measure ........ not how much you've actually got to live on. So the guy earning "just" £15,000 will have his application rejected.

Totally wrong in my opinion ..... and let's wait for the various legal challenges.

Hope this clarifies / explains the point QuickWillow was making.

ahhh,thanks for the explanation bluebirdjones,very much appreciated
this new changes makes us,hubby was really annoyed with it coz he really tried to do what's on old rules before we pass the application but suddenly changed...,no choice but to follow this new one or else knew the result already