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Thread: NEW Family Migration Immigration Rule efffective July 9, 2002

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  1. #1
    Respected Member malchard888's Avatar
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    One unjust point about this £18600 threshold is that it doesnt take into account the location of the U.K. based employee.If u work in central London such an amount is probably easily achieveable especially with London weighting which I believe exceeds £3000 p.a. whereas maybe in the north of the country for many it would be more difficult but it doesnt take into account the disparity in the cost of living. London and the south east prices particularly for housing would consume a fair amount from a salary whereas other parts of the country will be far cheaper places to live so maybe disposable income would even itself out. but this government have taken this figure across the board but then again do we expect them ever to be fair when it comes to peoples lives and loves.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by malchard888 View Post
    One unjust point about this £18600 threshold is that it doesnt take into account the location of the U.K. based employee.If u work in central London such an amount is probably easily achieveable especially with London weighting which I believe exceeds £3000 p.a. whereas maybe in the north of the country for many it would be more difficult but it doesnt take into account the disparity in the cost of living. London and the south east prices particularly for housing would consume a fair amount from a salary whereas other parts of the country will be far cheaper places to live so maybe disposable income would even itself out. but this government have taken this figure across the board but then again do we expect them ever to be fair when it comes to peoples lives and loves.

    Exactly. But it isn't as simple as London / South East compared with the rest of Britain. For example Aberdeen is an expensive place to live. So is the IOM and there are others. I suggested a postcode based system but then that would be difficult to implement thoroughly.

    I believe Dave Cameron has been looking at dishing out benefit levels according to region....

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    I suggested a postcode based system but then that would be difficult to implement thoroughly.

    I believe Dave Cameron has been looking at dishing out benefit levels according to region....
    thats crazy so how could it work , by region - n/w , s/e or by cities ? each city has wealthy and poor areas just as regions, so someone on the other side of the road could be getting more

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    thats crazy so how could it work , by region - n/w , s/e or by cities ? each city has wealthy and poor areas just as regions, so someone on the other side of the road could be getting more
    Of course. I agree. How to make it fairer? A flat rate isn't fair either.

    "Regional rates of benefits - which would presumably see people in more affluent regions getting higher payments than in poorer regions - would be likely to prove controversial."

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