This is just nuts really
The only "story" in this - is a terse reminder to any young guy to know who your real friends are.
As I am - I can imagine friends posting pics like that of me on Facebook, should I get drunk and naked enough - but I'm not a public figure, and this makes it funny. Most guys like having the pee taken by other guys, it's a male thing.
IF though I was famous, I am pretty sure none of my close friends would post it. THAT is the difference.
As for Sun readers having the "right" to see these pictures, it beats me why any of them would really want to. Do they really need in their lives to be looking at pics of a 27 year old military guy having a laugh and getting his kit off? Hmmmmm
So called friends! He needs to be more careful, but it's not the first time he's in the end not given a stuff what anyone thinks and just done what he likes. Only human and all that, and really what is the result - he's one of the more popular members of the royals, so it's hardly harmed him.
As for the crazy rumours of who his father might be, well come on - just have a look at this picture, check out his eyes, ,the brows and the stare, then compare to Prince Charles. There's no doubt to me of his parentage.