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Thread: Help with CNI needed! Can you help me?

  1. #1
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    Help with CNI needed! Can you help me?

    Hello Filipino UK!

    I've been a member for a month or so now but this is my first shout for help!

    Basically, I am planning to get married in Davao, Mindanao at the beginning of next year(Jan 2013), so I am on the track of getting a CNI(Certificate of Non-Impediment) sorted out from my local registry office. I know that it takes 21 days for the CNI to be given to me and has a 3 month life-span, but my main question is this...Once I receive the CNI in England, will the 3 month life-span continue to run over in the Philippines even when I exchange the British CNI for the Philippine CNI or Once I receive the Philippine CNI does the 3 month life-span get scrapped and it starts afresh over in the Philippines?

    I hope this question doesn't sound too awkward! Another option is to find out from the British Consul in Cebu but I thought one of you guys on here may be able to give me your expertise!

    I'm sure I'll have more questions regarding my proposed trip to Davao! In the meantime, I hope to hear from someone very soon!

    God bless :-)

  2. #2
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum, we live in Gateshead also

    You are correct that you have to present the the UK CNI within 3 months of issue, I can not see anything stating who long the local CNI lasts but it would be best not to wait too long before applying for the local marriage licence.

    Good luck with your upcoming wedding.

  3. #3
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Hi Roman,

    I have over the last few months worked hard in trying to get a 'real' answer from the UK's main Registra's office about the validity time of a UK CNI. I have asked the question as to 'when' the 3 months start 'from'

    I was told when I got mine that the 3 months starts from the date of application, ie: the day you go to the registry office and pay your money. Others have been told that the 3 months start from the 22nd day, ie: the day the certificate is issued.

    To this day, I have not been able to get a definitive answer, and this is from the 'top'..... they just cant decide.....

    My answer to you is that if you arrange your CNI and your marriage within the 3 month period from date of 'application' you will be fine. When you go to the British Embassy in Manila to exchange your UK CNI for a local one, I think at this point you are safe. Although, I still recommend you arrange everything within the 3 months I have advised.

    I hope that helps you a little, and my best wishes for your future together.
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  4. #4
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    Just to say that the 'local' CNI you receive from the British Embassy in Philippines in exchange for your UK has a validity of 3 months.

  5. #5
    Member Ian S's Avatar
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    The way I understand it is like this: You need the UK issued CNI in order to get a CNI from Philippines (you have 3 months to do this). After you have had the CNI exchanged for the Philippine one you no longer need the UK one, so it doesn't matter if the UK one expires before you marry. So yes, the Philippine one starts afresh.

    Another peice of advice I'd like to give: Don't waste you precious time in the Philippines exchanging the CNI. Just post it there and you can get your fiancee (or in my case her family member) to do it for you. That way, theres less to do when you get there.

  6. #6
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian S View Post
    Another peice of advice I'd like to give: Don't waste you precious time in the Philippines exchanging the CNI. Just post it there and you can get your fiancee (or in my case her family member) to do it for you. That way, theres less to do when you get there.
    On the other hand, you will also need to show other supporting documents if someone else does it for you. Much easier to go in person. Also the postal service to Phils is 'shocking' at the best of times.
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  7. #7
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    Thanks for the advice Ian. Appreciate it!

    First say that the Philippine CNI starts afresh once the UK CNI is handed in...this is very good news, but, how long is the shelf-life of the Philippine CNI? If you don't know, that's fine. Would be ideal if it's 3 months plus!

    Second question...What would be the best clothes to wear when attending the consul in Cebu?! I obviously want to be presentable and show that I'm making a good effort! I also think the advice of Steve R below is good. I'd rather go in person.

    Thanks :-)

  8. #8
    Member Ian S's Avatar
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    Yes, Steve has a good point the postage is a little unreliable. In my case I only had 2 weeks in the Philippines to get married, so sending my CNI (with covering letter and photocopy of passport) in advance was the best thing to do. I can't actually remember how long the Philippine CNI is valid for, but I think it gives you plenty of time (maybe 3 months also).
    I wouldn't worry too much how well you present yourself at the office, just dress reasonably smart. It's not like it's a decision they make based on an interview. If everything is in order, then they will exchange your CNI no problem. Good Luck!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Romans81 View Post long is the shelf-life of the Philippine CNI? If you don't know, that's fine. Would be ideal if it's 3 months plus!

    Second question...What would be the best clothes to wear when attending the consul in Cebu?! I obviously want to be presentable and show that I'm making a good effort! I also think the advice of Steve R below is good. I'd rather go in person.

    Thanks :-)

    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Just to say that the 'local' CNI you receive from the British Embassy in Philippines in exchange for your UK has a validity of 3 months.

    That is 3 months max. Means you must use the Philippine CNI within 3 months

  10. #10
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    Just to add, if you havent got it covered already...In addition to your wife, you too will also need your own Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR) from the Philippine National Statistics office. If your fiancée is in the process of getting hers, she may like to order yours at the same time.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by freyter View Post
    Just to add, if you havent got it covered already...In addition to your wife, you too will also need your own Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR) from the Philippine National Statistics office. If your fiancée is in the process of getting hers, she may like to order yours at the same time.
    Yes, I am aware of this. Thanks for the reminder though! I think I'm right in saying that you can turn up in person at Davao district office and it only takes a few days to process the CENOMAR. Well, that's what it says on :-)

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graham7171 View Post
    My Fiancee tells me the people in the relevent department won't grant the marriage licence without me being present. Is there a way around this? it is a very expensive trip to fly over for a day to attend a document formality - all the screenings and seminars having been done previous, while I was there last.

    What I did was arrange everything before I left the UK. Travelled to the Philippines and exchanged CNI at the embassy in Manila and then set the wedding up (marriage license / paperwork etc etc). Got married and stayed a further ten days. Worked well.

    The whole thing was well organised in advance as it wouldn't have worked otherwise.

    It took about 2 1/2 weeks in all including travel time.

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