3rd and final try
Forget the words expert, IT and percieved - you linked his 100% support of brand Apple with him driving a brand new ferrari. A bit like the way the adverts link Lynx splashers with getting all the birds.
I presumed he was a bit of an IT expert like I also presume he's a successful businessman but he might be a bank robber using his ill gotten gains to prop up the company and finance his wheels for all I know![]()
You have got a vivid imagination. Not everyone is scum of some sort or other. And not everyone who makes money does so by illgotten means or by robbing their employees.
The message I was trying to convey was in contrast to your connection between mugs and Apple, he is no mug.
Try again.
Now if I told you the name of my previous employer there's a fair chance you would give it some stick, as the whole world knows of its reputation.
Nothing pathological about wanting value for money...goodness, let the kids pay over the odds...brand means everything, bugger the quality...surely we are all of a certain age not to be taken in by these blood sucking cretins...that's all what Ded's pointing out.
what are you 3 waffling on about
looks like you've all had too much of dedworths bargain beer
my old boss and his Ferrari spider![]()
Hmm....that was a bit careless, but probably similar to when I wrote off my first Lotus Seven by somersaulting it several times at 70mph.
Anyway, fortunately I can't take part in this thread, as I haven't a clue what anyone is talking about. In fact my current computer looks remarkably like the one they're all taking the piss out of, so anything newer than a phone with a camera on it (which I haven't progressed to yet) is a bit beyond me.![]()
Ha. Its a new 599. He gets all the jibes...
"Hows the new Fiat?" and all that.![]()
Such people are just jealous.
I'd love a 599.
True petrolheads respect a thoroughbred....whatever the make.
Forza4 (Xbox360) is a great and surprisingly realistic way to sample all the exotica...including the the 599.
I use a good steering wheel and pedals.
Here my first drive in the TVR Tuscan, a very tricky car to drive and similar in layout to the 599.
(there are no hesitations in the actual game...that's the fault of the upload).
Quoting the Daily Mail, so it must be true...
"Samsung ordered to pay Apple more than $1BILLION after jury says they STOLE patented iPhone designs - and now faces having to pull ALL their cellphones and tablets from the U.S."
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...#ixzz24eOSxdJ6
From CNN Money
"Will we see any changes to future phone and tablet hardware?
The verdict strengthened Apple's design identity, and competitors may now be afraid to even toe the line of the iDevices' "look and feel."
Chris Carani, an intellectual property attorney and design law expert at McAndrews, Held & Malloy, says the verdict could spark "a burst of creativity" in the design of future devices. Competitors won't want to risk being slapped with a design infringement lawsuit, given that it costs so much money to roll out a new smartphone or tablet.
"Competitors will have to go back to the drawing board, and give their designers more creative license," Carani says. "They'll have to create something very different as far as the visual experience, and that choice could be a great benefit for consumers.""
Basically, this will force Apples competitors to be original and stop the copying of their product. Bias aside, probably a good thing for the consumer in the long run.
“The result will likely be an increase in costs to Android users because of licensing fees to Apple,” Houston-based intellectual property lawyer Steve Mitby told Wired. In layman’s terms: expect Android phones to cost more. “This will drive many Android consumers over to Apple. Next to Samsung, the biggest loser today is Google.”
Quoting from this link...
Ok Lastlid...its been established in an unbiasedAmerican court of law by an all American jury that Samsung were found guilty of copyright...
Not suggesting Apple nobbled the jury but this all stinks of corruption...reminds me when the yanks tried to stop the Japs importing there far superior cars.
Yes, Samsung copied but what they did was copied and further refined then sold at a far cheaper price...the consumers win...this is why Apple went to considerable time and expense to shut Samsung down...good for the consumer?...I think not.
All Apple is doing is creating a monopoly..simply as that....some consumers are mugs....they wanna pay over the top for Apple products knowing full well.....at least until recently, they could get cheaper elsewhere.
...Having said that, I would still rather that we hadn't taught the Japs how to make cars and the Koreans how to build ships...and everything else.
Selling guns to the Red Indians set a bad precedent.![]()
All I can say then is, there are an awful lot of mugs about if your supposition is correct. Not everyone wants to buy budget brands or cheap copies. Hence the car analogy. If we all wanted to do was err that way then we would all be driving skodas or a similar budget brand car. We don't all want to be drinking the cheapest coffee in the cheapest coffee house even if you do, or the cheapest of anything. Have you always gone for the cheapest options?
On the matter of cheaper imitations, yes the customer maybe gains that way but as the man said, loses out in terms of innovative alternatives.
I wasn't taking the pee Graham...I was thinking along the same lines...looks remarkably like the setup I brought my wife in Philippines
It did its job for us and I saved loads on phone bills....I paid 18000 for it in January 2009...when wife came here it was passed on to family..its still going strong .....money well spent.....unlike the over priced Apple products......yes, my wife got one, what she does with her allowance is her business although, she did say on reflection she would of preferred the Samsung.
This new Apple ruling (applicable to usa only) is comparable to Ford saying anyother car manufacturers putting wheels to there cars is breaking there patent
Only in America....the centre of the universe![]()
Honestly.......you forgotten your sense of humour again
...I bet you go down a storm at parties
Who's talking about cheap brands cheap coffee etc...you're beginning to lose it...what we put in our shopping trolley is neither cheap or nasty....remember im a 40% tax payer...a man of means
The Samsung is equally neither cheap or nasty...its a very good phone....much better in quality compared to your iphone....remember I have both![]()
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