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Thread: Not so Smart !

  1. #1
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    Not so Smart !

    Smart Telecoms discontinued its cheap “ Plug n Talk “ call and text service at the end of July, without notice to agents or customers. The dedicated hardware – a USB communication device which allowed you to call / text any mobile or landline in the Philippines ( originally costing around P 4000 ) - is now useless. I’m told ( , 0207 987 3749 ) that there are no plans to re-introduce the service. This is a retrograde step, even if the hardware sometimes failed to work due to corruption of the devices file system.

    There is a replacement web based soft phone ( ) which appears to lack features of the hardware device - although calls can be made, it can send but can’t receive text messages.

    The SIM card load can still be used if the device was set to “ Roaming “ before removal, by inserting in an unblocked mobile phone. Of course texts between UK and Philippines are more expensive than they were with " Plug ' Talk " - around P20 each, and calls may not be possible.

    Texts with a UK SIM card from a UK mobile network are around 35p each ; calls are well over £ 1 / minute, and there may not be good connection. Vodafone does have monthly mobile contracts which include “ international packages “ at over £4 / month, reducing costs of calls and texts. They also have packages of 100 free texts / month, on request, for long term customers such as myself.

    I don’t have experience of any cheap, reliable alternatives for making mobile or landline phone calls between UK and Philippines.

    Computer-computer calls – with or without video – such as Skype or Yahoo, usually, but not always, allow good communication at no cost.

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    I have a sim card from Orange that gives slightly cheaper calls to mobiles in Phils, I use this if I can't get through on Viber. But most of the time I use Viber from my 'smart' phone (not Smart the company) Using this on my data package on my Orange (i have 1 gig/month) it has saved me a forutne.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  3. #3
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    Use this number from your UK land line...0871 881 7777

    There will then be a message telling you to continue by further dialing 0063 + the Phils mobile number (minus the initial zero).

    Your call should cost a total of 7p per minute.

    I use it all the time, and have checked my bills.

  4. #4
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    Thanks Steve and Graham
    I hope this will be of help to other members .

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    Smart Telecoms discontinued its cheap “ Plug n Talk “ call and text service at the end of July, without notice to agents or customers. The dedicated hardware – a USB communication device which allowed you to call / text any mobile or landline in the Philippines ( originally costing around P 4000 ) - is now useless. I’m told ( , 0207 987 3749 ) that there are no plans to re-introduce the service. This is a retrograde step, even if the hardware sometimes failed to work due to corruption of the devices file system.

    There is a replacement web based soft phone ( ) which appears to lack features of the hardware device - although calls can be made, it can send but can’t receive text messages.

    The SIM card load can still be used if the device was set to “ Roaming “ before removal, by inserting in an unblocked mobile phone. Of course texts between UK and Philippines are more expensive than they were with " Plug ' Talk " - around P20 each, and calls may not be possible.

    Texts with a UK SIM card from a UK mobile network are around 35p each ; calls are well over £ 1 / minute, and there may not be good connection. Vodafone does have monthly mobile contracts which include “ international packages “ at over £4 / month, reducing costs of calls and texts. They also have packages of 100 free texts / month, on request, for long term customers such as myself.

    I don’t have experience of any cheap, reliable alternatives for making mobile or landline phone calls between UK and Philippines.

    Computer-computer calls – with or without video – such as Skype or Yahoo, usually, but not always, allow good communication at no cost.
    Doc I think my wife bought one of these at the 2010 Barrio Fiesta (doesn't look like they've updated their website since), some Brit cowboys from Virginia Water/Ascot selling them. She used it about twice then her brother or a friend lost it

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Use this number from your UK land line...0871 881 7777

    There will then be a message telling you to continue by further dialing 0063 + the Phils mobile number (minus the initial zero).

    Your call should cost a total of 7p per minute.

    I use it all the time, and have checked my bills.
    This is what my wife does as well Graham.... Also texting is from Globe to Globe...texting from phils is free...she just gotta get her sister to send her a fresh sim card every year.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Doc I think my wife bought one of these at the 2010 Barrio Fiesta (doesn't look like they've updated their website since), some Brit cowboys from Virginia Water/Ascot selling them. She used it about twice then her brother or a friend lost it
    About £ 20 was what I paid, Ded. It was useful while it worked - Smart-Smart texts were each P 1 to and from the Philippines, and " non-Smart " texts P 2.5 each. At least I was able to retrieve the loaded Sim card, which I can use to send " roaming " texts from my mobile phone for P 20 each ( Europe as well as UK ). I understand they're P 1 each to send from the Philippines ( Smart network ).
    No-one should now buy these " Plug 'n Talk " devices as they no longer work .
    Thanks for your post gWaPito
    For me, while in UK, the 100 " free " texts / month on the Vodafone contract is enough, but it's helpful to get members' advice here .

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Use this number from your UK land line...0871 881 7777

    There will then be a message telling you to continue by further dialing 0063 + the Phils mobile number (minus the initial zero).

    Your call should cost a total of 7p per minute.

    I use it all the time, and have checked my bills.
    Thats pretty good Graham I've just looked all the BT small print and it looks like it's £0.08169 inc VAT G14 Call Rate


    Just checked and it looks like the 8p is landlines, Phil Mobiles are 10p

  9. #9
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    It may have increased slightly during the time I've been using it Ded.

    I use Virgin media for my landline, so I just check the itemised bill I get once a month.

    They have another number that I use when phoning my lady in Singapore. I've only ever phoned TO mobile numbers.

    You know I'm not going to be paying much mate.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post

    You know I'm not going to be paying much mate.
    I knew it would be a genuine Yorkshire moneysaving tip

  11. #11
    Member jayzel's Avatar
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    Lebara do a calling card,if you topup £20 online in the calling card its 8p mobile to phil mobile,and 11p a sms,o2 do an international sim card 11p per minute and 11p sms,if its cheap txting then pasaload you can send a txt for 1 peso,and you gf etc can text you for 1peso,,all 3 services are good quality........

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