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Thread: non-UK Partners

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  1. #1
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    non-UK Partners

    Hi Everyone!!

    I am new to this site. I would like to ask if it is possible for a non-UK partnership registration in UK. My boyfriend, who is a Swiss citizen living and working in Switzerland, and I would like "tie-the-knot" (for the lack of a better term.Smile
    I am a Filipino and I am currently residing/working here in the Philippines. So that makes both of us non-UK citizens.

    I have read in Wikipedia that "Overseas couples wishing to register their partnership in the UK, must reside in the country for seven days prior to application for the partnership, and wait a further fifteen days before the civil partnership may be formed."
    If so, what other things will we have to consider and prepare?

    I am a fiance of a Swiss citizen. We intend to file for a registered partnership in the UK and eventually register it in Switzerland. What would be the best route to go to as far as visas are concerned. We will get "married" and at the same time he will be enrolling me in a university to study.

    If we get "married" in the UK, will I be able to get a UK partnership visa? Since I am also interested in studying in UK or probably work. Is this possible?
    Are there any living conditions from both of us if in case a partnership was granted. My boyfriend's work is based in his home country, the Switzerland.

    Any suggestions, insights or advices will be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Why not do it in his country of nationality and residence it seems you only want to come here to work imo. You can work and study for sure, but the hours are not full time. So many people want to come here to study/work, the country is overfilled with people here ilegally who have said they want to do what you are asking ... and overstay their visa and never leave ... and then live off my taxes.

    Do it in his country, just my honest opinion.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  3. #3
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    Welcome to the forum, nice to have new people here.

    I am sure that you will find that the majority of people here are friendly and try to be helpful.

    Don't be put off if you are sometimes unlucky and encounter a reply which may not seem friendly. We all have bad days.

    Good luck.

    John and Elaine, from Manila

  4. #4
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post

    Don't be put off if you are sometimes unlucky and encounter a reply which may not seem friendly. We all have bad days.

    Good luck.

    John and Elaine, from Manila
    Not a bad day or encounter John, just my opinion on what I think about the way that someone wants to gain entry to the uk. If you refer to the other posts in this thread, I think they all follow the same sentiment as mine.

    Entry to the Uk is not a right
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    getting married in the UK doesn't give you a right to stay in the UK, you either need a student visa or your b/f needs to be exercising his treaty rights in the UK for you to stay in the UK.

    and its good to see you back on here john

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    and its good to see you back on here john
    Thanks Joe, I pop in from time to time and keep up to date, but do not post that often.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirkpt View Post
    Hi Everyone!!

    I am new to this site. I would like to ask if it is possible for a non-UK partnership registration in UK. My boyfriend, who is a Swiss citizen living and working in Switzerland, and I would like "tie-the-knot" (for the lack of a better term.Smile
    I am a Filipino and I am currently residing/working here in the Philippines. So that makes both of us non-UK citizens.

    I have read in Wikipedia that "Overseas couples wishing to register their partnership in the UK, must reside in the country for seven days prior to application for the partnership, and wait a further fifteen days before the civil partnership may be formed."
    If so, what other things will we have to consider and prepare?

    I am a fiance of a Swiss citizen. We intend to file for a registered partnership in the UK and eventually register it in Switzerland. What would be the best route to go to as far as visas are concerned. We will get "married" and at the same time he will be enrolling me in a university to study.

    If we get "married" in the UK, will I be able to get a UK partnership visa? Since I am also interested in studying in UK or probably work. Is this possible?
    Are there any living conditions from both of us if in case a partnership was granted. My boyfriend's work is based in his home country, the Switzerland.

    Any suggestions, insights or advices will be greatly appreciated.


    I'm afraid that this approach isn't going to work either in terms of getting you entry to UK.
    You need to engage into a serious discussion with your fiance on the optimum way to be together as a married couple.

    This will involve the immigration laws relating to Switzerland not those relating to UK

    Hope this helps guide you in the right direction.

  8. #8
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    My boyfriend's work is based in his home country, the Switzerland.
    so why want to live in uk? dont they have university in switzerland where u can study?

  9. #9
    Respected Member
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    I do not see any evidence that Dirkpt intends to become a drain on the UK. To assume that is unreasonable. Se has made a post requesting information and advice, not to be abused and probably misjudged.

    I sure that we all sincerely hope that Filipino wives of UK nationals are not also misjudged.

    Whilst many people seek to take advantage of the UK, that does not mean all do. Rather like saying that all Brits who come to Spain (where we live) are larger louts who embarrass the rest of the UK. Some are but most are not. Thank goodness that the Spanish understand that.

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