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Thread: Isle of Man Settlement Visa (fao lastlid?)

  1. #1
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    Isle of Man Settlement Visa (fao lastlid?)

    Firstly I got my first payslip today so that's one down, five to go

    Secondly, I'm just trying to sort out the costs of the visa, entry clearance into the UK is currently published at £826 but entry clearance to a crown dependency (IoM) is published elsewhere at £644

    Please dont tell me I have to pay both but £644 is better.

    Would make a difference as to the bank managers cheque we take to VFS for the application. lastlid what were your experiences if you dont mind?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoholoX View Post
    Firstly I got my first payslip today so that's one down, five to go

    Secondly, I'm just trying to sort out the costs of the visa, entry clearance into the UK is currently published at £826 but entry clearance to a crown dependency (IoM) is published elsewhere at £644

    Please dont tell me I have to pay both but £644 is better.

    Would make a difference as to the bank managers cheque we take to VFS for the application. lastlid what were your experiences if you dont mind?

    The quick answer is that unless something has changed then you would just need to pay the same fee as any other applicant applying for a settlement visa to the UK i.e. £826. That being so, I guess it is good news in that it is not both.

    My wife applied a year ago and the process was exactly the same as for the UK except the IOM immigration people get to see your application additionally, more out of courtesy then anything else, I believe. What this means in practice is that it takes an extra few days as the documentation has to be looked at back here in the Isle of Man on top of the time taken by the UKBA in Manila. But essentially it is the UKBA in Manila that processes it. Ours took 2 weeks including time spent with IOM Immigration.

    See what Reema has to say. But my feeling is that the rules are still the same as the UK and the fees too.

    You can call the Immigration office very easily. They don't spend all day chatting but do at least answer questions that you might have. And as we found out the other week, you can also call in to their office in Douglas very easily.

    IOM Immigration is :

    Passport and Immigration Office, Government Office, Bucks Road, Douglas, IM1 3PU.

    Same place as they process IOM passports.

    If I am wrong and they have changed the fees for the Isle of Man and they are now different to the mainland UK then I apologise.

    I am wondering if you are looking at an old document, ref the £644?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoholoX View Post
    Firstly I got my first payslip today so that's one down, five to go

    Secondly, I'm just trying to sort out the costs of the visa, entry clearance into the UK is currently published at £826 but entry clearance to a crown dependency (IoM) is published elsewhere at £644

    Please dont tell me I have to pay both but £644 is better.

    Would make a difference as to the bank managers cheque we take to VFS for the application. lastlid what were your experiences if you dont mind?
    Not sure what you are asking here. But basically, my wife paid her visa application fees over the counter at a local branch of the BDO in the Philippines and then took the receipt to VFS in Makati on the day her application was submitted. Same process as for any other applicant applying for a UK Spouse visa.

  4. #4
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    I managed to dig this out. They move stuff around so much. But as you can see in the table the fees are £826 for crown dependencies for a settlement visa.

  5. #5
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    Thanks lastlid

    I'll speak with the Immigration guy in Government offices before I leave just to make sure, he seems more than willing to help and to check any documents before we submit them to VFS.

    We have the option of paying via bank managers cheque for the visa fee, there isnt a BDO near to my wife and understandable she doesnt want to travel on a jeepney with
    P60,000 in her pockets....just seems a safer way of doing things.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoholoX View Post
    Thanks lastlid

    I'll speak with the Immigration guy in Government offices before I leave just to make sure, he seems more than willing to help and to check any documents before we submit them to VFS.

    We have the option of paying via bank managers cheque for the visa fee, there isnt a BDO near to my wife and understandable she doesnt want to travel on a jeepney with
    P60,000 in her pockets....just seems a safer way of doing things.
    I understand. It was the same for my wife. Her collection point for the money was a jeepney ride away from the BDO and she was nervous about that. So she took a member of her family with her.

    Let us know how you get on with the IOM Immigration. They seem pretty helpful. We are lucky here. I spoke to one of them a few weeks back and they said they prefer to meet and see who they are dealing with. And I believe, from what he said, that they prefer to go through ILR applications too at the point of submission for that very same reason.

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