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Thread: A very unsual experience at the Coop Supermarket!

  1. #1
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    A very unsual experience at the Coop Supermarket!

    Hiya guys!

    Just had a very odd experience at the supermarket today. I was doing my shopping and looking to one of shelves thinking what I'm going cook tonight when all of a sudden a middle old woman perhaps in 40's turned up, stared at me like mad! As in staring at me eye to eye infront of my face. I said hello but she just kept staring at me. So, what I did is I just ignored her and continue shopping. Then, a ex co-employee of mine,approach me as she seen and witness the scene ( I used to work at the Coop ) She told me that woman who I encountered just spit on one of the coop employee the other day. After we approached and told the Supervisor what happened ( Supervisor not seem to bother) Then, the crazy woman start following me like a stalker. She even cut in the line in till area just to be next to me. I manage to escape as she got load of stuff. Now, I want to know if I can report this to the Police. Oh,and I just found out she just live nearby to my place and she is local in this town..

  2. #2
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    If she spits on you it is classed as 'assault'....other than that, not much you can do unless physical violence takes place.

    There are lunatics everywhere. Just have to sidestep them.

  3. #3
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    If you feel threatened by this woman's anti-social behaviour and it's happened to you more than once, I believe that you could make a complaint about harrassment to the Police and the neighbourhood policing team may go and have a word with her. However, as Graham has said, it's best to avoid the fruitcakes of this world!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottishbride View Post
    Hiya guys!

    Just had a very odd experience at the supermarket today. I was doing my shopping and looking to one of shelves thinking what I'm going cook tonight when all of a sudden a middle old woman perhaps in 40's turned up, stared at me like mad! As in staring at me eye to eye right behind my face. I said hello but she just kept staring at me. So, what I did is I just ignored her and continue shopping. Then, a ex co-employee of mine,approach me as she seen and witness the scene ( I used to work at the Coop ) She told me that woman who I encountered just spit on one of the coop employee the other day. After we approached and told the Supervisor what happened ( Supervisor not seem to bother) Then, the crazy woman start following me like a stalker. She even cut in the line in the till area just to be next to me. I manage to escape as she got load of stuff. Now, I want to know if I can report this to the Police. Oh,and I just found out she just live nearby to my place she is local in this town..

    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    If she spits on you it is classed as 'assault'....other than that, not much you can do unless physical violence takes place.
    On the contrary to Grahams response. Stalking and harassment law is different in Scotland. I think you will find it is stiffer. And as yet there is no stalking law in England and Wales.

    Harassment is a serious offence in Scotland and is not just confined to any kind of contact.

    Quote from the below link....

    "Now that may be about to change. An independent parliamentary inquiry, set up last year to look at stalking, and which reported last month, came up with devastating evidence about its prevalence and its effects. A third of those stalked had full-blown post-traumatic stress disorder. Almost 90% of stalkers never had any action taken against them. Stalking was where domestic violence had been 30 years ago – a huge problem that wasn't taken seriously.

    There had to be legal change. Stalking needed to be made a specific offence. When Scotland did that in 2010, 150 stalkers were prosecuted in the first four months, and 90% pleaded guilty before trial – contrasting with just 70 prosecutions over the previous decade.".

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    See the link for more on this.

    "Section 38 of the Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010 provides for an offence of 'threatening and abusive behaviour. It provides that it is an offence for a person to behave in a threatening or abusive manner towards someone if that behaviour would be such as to be likely to cause a reasonable person to feel fear or alarm. "

    See what I mean, Scottishbride. I spent 6 years in Aberdeen so I was aware of this.

  6. #6
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    How many times has this happened ?

    Hardly 'harassment' if it was an isolated incident.

  7. #7
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    Scottishbride. I can tell from what you have said that it happened twice to you in the same shop. But you also refer to her living close to you and you obviously feel that it might continue or escalate. You have also mentioned a significant witness.

    She may be known to the police already. That will add weight to your complaint.

    You can indeed pop into your local police station. And they may well caution her. Once under caution any further intimidation / stalking / harassment becomes a more serious offence.

    If you are in Aberdeen, pop into Queen Street police station. They are very helpful.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    How many times has this happened ?

    Hardly 'harassment' if it was an isolated incident.
    just what i was going to say .. As in staring at me eye to eye right behind my face -so u have eyes in the back of your head?
    Last edited by irishman12; 28th August 2012 at 22:57. Reason: error

  9. #9
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    Scottishbride. If you are unsure, the Scottish police are the best people to ask.

    "People who report harassment sometimes feel the authorities do not take their situation seriously or are unable to protect them from further abuse. People who suffer from the threatening behaviour of stalkers can also feel isolated, insecure and unsure of how best to get help"

    You can alternatively call Scottish Crimestoppers. If you want to remain anonymous initially then you can do. Just tell them that you wish to remain anonymous. Though ultimately you will have to identify yourself to enable a prosecution.

    0800 555 111

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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    How many times has this happened ?

    Hardly 'harassment' if it was an isolated incident.
    "This common law offence covers all behaviour (including single incidents) which causes, or is likely to cause, fear, alarm, upset or annoyance."

    Like I said. Scottish law in this instance is not the same as English law.

  11. #11
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    That's all very well.

    Extremely hard to prove though.

    Be careful next time you 'accidentally' stare at Scotland.

  12. #12
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    If she spits on you it is classed as 'assault'....other than that, not much you can do unless physical violence takes place.

    There are lunatics everywhere. Just have to sidestep them.
    Thanks Graham, I have spoken to my hubby last night. And he said, he will try and find out who is that Local woman. As he live here all his life. I just feel unsafe you know as my hubby is away for 3 months and it is just me and my daughter alone... She is known as alcoholic.

  13. #13
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by irishman12 View Post
    just what i was going to say .. As in staring at me eye to eye right behind my face -so u have eyes in the back of your head?
    Sorry it must have been typo error or my nerve! I retype and corrected .I mean... Infront of my face!

  14. #14
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    How many times has this happened ?

    Hardly 'harassment' if it was an isolated incident.
    Just once... but everyone in the Coop knows her... as she can be violent towards Coop employee. But like I said, the management doesn't seem to bother..

  15. #15
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    See the link for more on this.

    "Section 38 of the Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010 provides for an offence of 'threatening and abusive behaviour. It provides that it is an offence for a person to behave in a threatening or abusive manner towards someone if that behaviour would be such as to be likely to cause a reasonable person to feel fear or alarm. "

    See what I mean, Scottishbride. I spent 6 years in Aberdeen so I was aware of this.
    So it means... it is considered harrasment? Really, I was scared.. I think if I didn't say hello or ignore her. She must havedone something. She is acting like crazy!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by scottishbride View Post
    Thanks Graham, I have spoken to my hubby last night. And he said, he will try and find out who is that Local woman's name. As he live here all his life. I just feel unsafe you know as my hubby is away for 3 months and it is just me and my daughter alone... She is known as alcoholic.
    Ah, I understand.

    I don't want you to think that I don't sympathise with you, of course I do, but you are going to have to seek the help of others in your community (and speak to the police) to give you some sense of security there.

    Meanwhile take care, and just try to avoid her.

  17. #17
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    That's all very well.

    Extremely hard to prove though.

    Be careful next time you 'accidentally' stare at Scotland.
    like I have said, my co-employee witness the scene so she came to me right away, after the woman left and we reported to the supervisor. And Coop have CCTV camera on the area I was standing as I used to be employee of the Coop.

  18. #18
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    It does sound like this lady has problems, possibly underpinned by mental health issues. There isn't too much you can do unless Co-op ban her, but then you could still meet her in the street.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rosie1958 View Post
    If you feel threatened by this woman's anti-social behaviour and it's happened to you more than once, I believe that you could make a complaint about harrassment to the Police and the neighbourhood policing team may go and have a word with her. However, as Graham has said, it's best to avoid the fruitcakes of this world!
    Just worried as I found out she live nearby to my place. My husband is away and it is just the me and my daughter alone...

  20. #20
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    Just picked up the phone and called the Manager of Coop. He said he will speak to the Supervisor and Alison my ex co employee who witness the scene. And they will check the CCTV camera. To find out what really happened yesterday. So, i felt relieve a bit. I told him I am happy to participate incase they need me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by scottishbride View Post
    Just picked up the phone and called the Manager of Coop. He said he will speak to the Supervisor and Alison my ex co employee who witness the scene. And they will check the CCTV camera. To find out what really happened yesterday. So, i felt relieve a bit. I told him I am happy to participate incase they need me.
    There you go. More proof than some may have thought. CCTV is a very useful tool in supporting convictions. And remember, if charged, it is guilty until proven innocent in Scotland..

  22. #22
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    If this woman proves to be more of a nuisance in the future it is possible for the police to push for an interdict (Scottish for injunction) or if the hubby can afford it, civil action can be taken.

    Most people would not want to either ignore a Scottish caution or an interdict because of the penalties.

    And because you are a lone female with a child the police will be sympathetic to your own and your child's vulnerability.

    Also from what you say, your evidence can also be used in conjunction with evidence from the Co Op staff. The incident no longer is an isolated case in any way and adds further weight to a prosecution. She may be known to the police already and have charges against her of a similar nature, pending.

    You could simply ignore it but you just don't know if you will bump into her again. If she lives locally, then it may not be possible to ignore her or avoid her. Thats why I suggest that you report it to the police and have it formally recorded in their little book.

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    As above really, at least if you report it to the police it will add to their picture of her, if it is not an isolated incident.

    Supermarkets can refuse entrance to anyone without giving a reason, I'm surprised she is still allowed in, definately worth speaking to the store manager.

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    Quote Originally Posted by deeen View Post
    As above really, at least if you report it to the police it will add to their picture of her, if it is not an isolated incident.

    Supermarkets can refuse entrance to anyone without giving a reason, I'm surprised she is still allowed in, definately worth speaking to the store manager.
    Nice to hear the perspective from the supermarket angle.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottishbride View Post
    Just once... but everyone in the Coop knows her... as she can be violent towards Coop employee. But like I said, the management doesn't seem to bother..
    I get alot of this working for the UK's number one supermarket....if I spent my time reporting local looney tunes to the old bill I wouldn't be getting much work done......I'd heed Graham's advice and keep a wide berth

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    Quote Originally Posted by deeen View Post
    As above really, at least if you report it to the police it will add to their picture of her, if it is not an isolated incident.

    Supermarkets can refuse entrance to anyone without giving a reason, I'm surprised she is still allowed in, definately worth speaking to the store manager.
    I expect she deposits her weekly benefits to the Coop cause

    Now you no need to wonder why these small supermarkets fill there windows full of cheap booze..its to wring out every last penny they got so these maggots can wreak havoc on there council estates...really, these small supermarkets are as guilty as the perpetrators

  27. #27
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottishbride View Post
    Hiya guys!

    Just had a very odd experience at the supermarket today. I was doing my shopping and looking to one of shelves thinking what I'm going cook tonight when all of a sudden a middle old woman perhaps in 40's turned up, stared at me like mad! As in staring at me eye to eye infront of my face. I said hello but she just kept staring at me. So, what I did is I just ignored her and continue shopping. Then, a ex co-employee of mine,approach me as she seen and witness the scene ( I used to work at the Coop ) She told me that woman who I encountered just spit on one of the coop employee the other day. After we approached and told the Supervisor what happened ( Supervisor not seem to bother) Then, the crazy woman start following me like a stalker. She even cut in the line in till area just to be next to me. I manage to escape as she got load of stuff. Now, I want to know if I can report this to the Police. Oh,and I just found out she just live nearby to my place and she is local in this town..
    stare her as well eye to eye and of course showing your pinoy bolo ^_^ as shown on the pic below lols.. its naughty i know but she seems ill.. uneducated ignorant woman sad really..what you could do scottishbride..maybe bring a bolo to scare her

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moy View Post
    stare her as well eye to eye and of course showing your pinoy bolo ^_^ as shown on the pic below lols.. its naughty i know but she seems ill.. uneducated ignorant woman sad really..what you could do scottishbride..maybe bring a bolo to scare her

    Wouldnt want to meet you on a dark night, Moy....

  29. #29
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    Wouldnt want to meet you on a dark night, Moy....
    oh if we meet on the dark lastid this would am sure i will bring cute balisong just to protect you from any harm

    A place for everything, everything in its place.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moy View Post
    oh if we meet on the dark lastid this would am sure i will bring cute balisong just to protect you from any harm

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