Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
George Osborne has warned against driving away the wealthy after Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg called for a temporary tax on the rich.
He would do, of course ... wouldn't he? I mean ... ... what else would you expect from a Chancellor [read "chancer"] born with a silver spoon in his mouth?

Doubtless, most of our "regulars" - as well as the not so frequent contributors to this site - will have at least noticed an old thread of mine entitled, Osborne & Little. But whether or not anyone bothered to is another matter... because, sadly, it received only one reply ... in spite of the fact that it revealed some home truths about the man destined to inherit his aristocratic father's vast wealth.

So ... it's no real surprise that he's issued such a warning - since it is hardly likely to be in his long term interests to state otherwise!