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Thread: STORY after Refusal

  1. #1
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    STORY after Refusal

    I decided to tell my story after knowing that Rhaichard had her visa application refused by the same ECO which is Mr. P R*****

    I submitted my application last 6 July to avoid the changes. After a week, 13 July I received the Refusal Letter. I was furious, disappointed and upset (not my usual self). Since it was still early in the morning knowing that my fiancee was snoozing his head off, I didn't know what to do but having the IAFTA Form I kept reading it (analyzing what to do next). I didn't know about this forum that time.

    Given the fact that my fiancee is too busy working, I then did the Online Appeal on 15 July and my fiancee gathered all the supporting documents. We decided to have the Oral Hearing just in case the review is upheld. My fiancee emailed our local MP, head of Home Office and different people to let them know what is happening. He was very positive that Mr. P R made the wrong decision and wrong the people to mess up with, my fiancee is the man who don't take NO for an answer "annoying" (he will kill me for saying this)

    He keep chasing Her Majesty's Tribunal after submitting all the documents and on 10 August they told him that it's all sent back to Manila on the 3 August. A lady from the Tribunal said that it will only take 2 days for the Embassy to receive it.

    On the 13 August, I became very impatient not hearing from the Head of Home Office. We then decided to email the and addressed it to Her Majesty's British Ambassador in the Philippines (as the SUBJECT). We emailed them daily and on the same week we finally got a respond saying that they already forwarded our concerns to the Ambassador that he is now aware of case. They even apologized for what had happened.

    Finally, I received an email from an ECM stating that the Ambassador asked her to review my case and to expedite it. The ECM said, they didn't receive all the supporting documents from the Tribunal (contrary to the what the Tribunal said that they sent it on the 3 August via "Diplomatic Pouch"). My fiancee emailed the ECM and told her that they can be in "contempt of court" if they lost our documents. The ECM respond to my fiancee then said that she cannot discuss everything to him and she will be out of office for a week. "A delaying tactic".

    But being an "annoying" "trouble-maker" couple I emailed the ECM and told her that I will email the Ambassador again if they will treat us badly. The next day, the ECM emailed me saying that she will be working all weekdays and didn't even contact my fiancee (my fiancee forwarded the conversation between them to me, so ECM is trying to say different things)

    The ECM then asked me if I can emailed her the copies of our supporting documents so I did! If I am not mistaken we had exchanged emails for 4 days. On that 4th day, she "OVERTURNED" the decision of the ECO and I need to send them my passport. Friday, the 24th of August I send them my passport via LBC.

    After all the emotional torture, dramas, and exchange of emails I received my passport yesterday with visa stamped!

    To those who had their visa refused, I feel sorry and please be hopeful. I hope somehow our story will help and inspire people to have the courage to fight for their rights. As my fiancee said, "always go to the person in-charge" and we think it's the lovely Ambassador Lillie

    Take Note: Don't be scared if you need to complain, just ensure that in your last paragraph always say "please" and "hope you will understand".

    Good luck everyone! God bless

  2. #2
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    Well done - it sounds like you rattled their cages good and proper

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Well done - it sounds like you rattled their cages good and proper
    Yes! "Zero Tolerance", all credits to my fiancee

    After all the hard work, longing and patience I had before the refusal. I cannot wait for another 3-6 months just for an ECM to review our case. So I need to step out of my comfort zone and make some noise about our awful experience. And I think living in England for a year and 3 months helped a lot knowing the British culture though

    ECO's need to sort their lives, for sure they are earning good money so they can't just sit down picking their nose and mess up with genuine people

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    for not giving in and getting your visa

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jehzroblenida View Post

    I submitted my application last 6 July to avoid the changes. After a week, 13 July I received the Refusal Letter. I was furious, disappointed and upset (not my usual self). Since it was still early in the morning knowing that my fiancee was snoozing his head off, I didn't know what to do but having the IAFTA Form I kept reading it (analyzing what to do next). I didn't know about this forum that time.

    Given the fact that my fiancee is too busy working, I then did the Online Appeal on 15 July and my fiancee gathered all the supporting documents. We decided to have the Oral Hearing just in case the review is upheld. My fiancee emailed our local MP, head of Home Office and different people to let them know what is happening. He was very positive that Mr. P R made the wrong decision and wrong the people to mess up with, my fiancee is the man who don't take NO for an answer "annoying" (he will kill me for saying this)

    He keep chasing Her Majesty's Tribunal after submitting all the documents and on 10 August they told him that it's all sent back to Manila on the 3 August. A lady from the Tribunal said that it will only take 2 days for the Embassy to receive it.

    On the 13 August, I became very impatient not hearing from the Head of Home Office. We then decided to email the and addressed it to Her Majesty's British Ambassador in the Philippines (as the SUBJECT). We emailed them daily and on the same week we finally got a respond saying that they already forwarded our concerns to the Ambassador that he is now aware of case. They even apologized for what had happened.

    Finally, I received an email from an ECM stating that the Ambassador asked her to review my case and to expedite it. The ECM said, they didn't receive all the supporting documents from the Tribunal (contrary to the what the Tribunal said that they sent it on the 3 August via "Diplomatic Pouch"). My fiancee emailed the ECM and told her that they can be in "contempt of court" if they lost our documents. The ECM respond to my fiancee then said that she cannot discuss everything to him and she will be out of office for a week. "A delaying tactic".

    But being an "annoying" "trouble-maker" couple I emailed the ECM and told her that I will email the Ambassador again if they will treat us badly. The next day, the ECM emailed me saying that she will be working all weekdays and didn't even contact my fiancee (my fiancee forwarded the conversation between them to me, so ECM is trying to say different things)

    The ECM then asked me if I can emailed her the copies of our supporting documents so I did! If I am not mistaken we had exchanged emails for 4 days. On that 4th day, she "OVERTURNED" the decision of the ECO and I need to send them my passport. Friday, the 24th of August I send them my passport via LBC.

    After all the emotional torture, dramas, and exchange of emails I received my passport yesterday with visa stamped!

    To those who had their visa refused, I feel sorry and please be hopeful. I hope somehow our story will help and inspire people to have the courage to fight for their rights. As my fiancee said, "always go to the person in-charge" and we think it's the lovely Ambassador Lillie

    Take Note: Don't be scared if you need to complain, just ensure that in your last paragraph always say "please" and "hope you will understand".

    Good luck everyone! God bless
    Good for you (not forgetting your tenacious fiance) ... WELL DONE!

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jehzroblenida View Post
    I decided to tell my story after knowing that Rhaichard had her visa application refused by the same ECO which is Mr. P R*****
    Allow ME the pleasure of filling in the blanks in your opening sentence ... MR PRick!

  7. #7
    Member Mr Pickwick's Avatar
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    Good ending, nice work jehzroblenida.


  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    for not giving in and getting your visa
    Thank you! I want to share our story to inspire people to have the courage to fight for what is right.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Good for you (not forgetting your tenacious fiance) ... WELL DONE!
    I am very thankful to have him. I almost give up but he always remind me that everything will be ok.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Allow ME the pleasure of filling in the blanks in your opening sentence ... MR PRick!
    MR * *h*d*s

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Pickwick View Post
    Good ending, nice work jehzroblenida.

    Thank you Chris,

    Goodluck to your application

  12. #12
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    may i know the reason why your fiance has not sought to visit you here ?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by travina View Post

    may i know the reason why your fiance has not sought to visit you here ?
    Hi Travina,

    It wasn't easy for both of us not to see each other but he need to sort his accounts this past few years. My poor fiancee who's not too good with computation and administration didn't know that we need to provide proof of income and tax returns. Since he's self-employed, he don't receive payslip monthly which became a real pain for both of us. It came to the point that I need to help him with his accounts then communicate with his accountant (He hates talking to the accountant coz he can't understand mathematics)

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by jehzroblenida View Post
    Hi Travina,

    It wasn't easy for both of us not to see each other but he need to sort his accounts this past few years. My poor fiancee who's not too good with computation and administration didn't know that we need to provide proof of income and tax returns. Since he's self-employed, he don't receive payslip monthly which became a real pain for both of us. It came to the point that I need to help him with his accounts then communicate with his accountant (He hates talking to the accountant coz he can't understand mathematics)
    so you wrote that in your appeal?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by travina View Post
    so you wrote that in your appeal?
    I did not! But my fiancee wrote a letter explaining his side and why he disagree with the ECO's decision.

    I just mentioned in the Appeal Form that we have a good foundation and we committed to one another. I did mentioned as well that I have to give up Job Offers to ensure that we can spend quality time together on Skype.

  16. #16
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    You have discovered what I have known for many years about the British government's departmental system (I'm ex Dept of Employment and my brother is currently Foreign Office).

    'Customers' who shout the loudest get the most attention...and, there are a lot of incompetents sitting behind govt issue desks.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    You have discovered what I have known for many years about the British government's departmental system (I'm ex Dept of Employment and my brother is currently Foreign Office).

    'Customers' who shout the loudest get the most attention...and, there are a lot of incompetents sitting behind govt issue desks.
    Graham, I think it is proper to make some noise if "we are right" and Mr. PR can't even read the UKBA Rules

  18. #18
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    Totally agree.

    Obviously this is far more important to you and your partner than it is to some snotty-nosed minor official sitting shuffling pieces of paper and watching the clock.

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    since yesterday until tonight, I think I sent a total of 6 emails. copying and pasting the paragraph 290 with explanation on how I satisfy each rule. I also copied the link from UKBA Chief Inspector John Vine about porr performances on entry clearance decision making and attached my statement about unsatisfactory handling of my visa application and non-compliance to the individual circumstances assessment rule. and i sent email again to the ambassador and a some officers.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Totally agree.

    Obviously this is far more important to you and your partner than it is to some snotty-nosed minor official sitting shuffling pieces of paper and watching the clock.
    At least we can count on the Ambassador even if he was busy with more important things! Surely the Ambassador noticed our concerns so he expedited our visa application review

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by travina View Post

    since yesterday until tonight, I think I sent a total of 6 emails. copying and pasting the paragraph 290 with explanation on how I satisfy each rule. I also copied the link from UKBA Chief Inspector John Vine about porr performances on entry clearance decision making and attached my statement about unsatisfactory handling of my visa application and non-compliance to the individual circumstances assessment rule. and i sent email again to the ambassador and a some officers.
    Travina, did you addressed it to the Ambassador on the "SUBJECT" at
    It took 4 days for them to respond to my emails if I'm not mistaken.

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