Quote Originally Posted by Mr Pickwick View Post
Does anyone understand how the saving are calculated?
with regard to the below where does the + 16.000 come from?

( 600 x 2.5 + 16,000 ) in savings in order to meet the financial requirements .

Thanks in Anticipation.

Savings can be used in a number of ways, including being used to bring any shortfall in income up to the required level for visa.

However, ONLY those savings over £16000 can be counted. Savings up to £16000 are not counted at all.
Additionally, since the visa is issued for 30 months (2.5 years) those savings above the £16000 need to be 'factored' for that by using a 2.5 multiplier.

So, as per the example given if the annual income falls short by £600 then savings can be used to make up that shortfall
£600 x 2.5 = £1500
Means that savings of £17500 (£16000+£1500) would be needed to satisfy requirements.

Hope that makes sense.