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Thread: greedy Apple

  1. #1
    Respected Member Leen's Avatar
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    Thumbs down greedy Apple

    Apple targets more Samsung products in patent suit

    NEW YORK (Reuters) - Seeking to capitalize on a major legal victory over its rival Samsung Electronics Ltd, Apple Inc has asked a federal court in a separate case to find that four additional Samsung products, including the Galaxy S III, infringe Apple's patents.

    In February, Apple alleged that at least 17 Samsung products infringe its patents. In a court filing made in San Jose federal court on Friday, Apple added four more products to the list of allegedly infringing products that have been released beginning in August 2011 and continuing through this month.

    Apple won a major victory over Samsung last Friday in a separate case when a jury found that the South Korean company had copied critical features of the hugely popular iPhone and iPad and awarded the U.S. company $1.05 billion in damages.

    Samsung representatives did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

    The case is U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, Apple Inc v. Samsung Electronics Ltd, et al 12-00630.
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  2. #2
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Apple are really putting the boot in!

    If they get their way we will end up paying more

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