Hello everyone, im lyka from cebu. I just signed up today
I have a question, i will just ask here thou its a page to introduce myself since i dont know where to post my questions. I haave been looking but im jut lost. sorry guys
I have been reading about cni concerns but still i want to ask you all myself. I hope you could help me

My question:
My fiancee got his uk cni last june 26, 2012. That is the date written there in the paper. now, how long will it expire? iVe read it good for three months but that is already the local cni u have to use within 3 months.He will be here next month october, by that time it is already four months. does the office here in phil still accept it and exchange it with the locaal one? I am just worried. Pleaase hepl me...
Thank you