For those that can only meet the £18600 requirement through additional bonuses.

I still go back to my real and not completely uncommon illustration of an offshore oil worker who earns £600 per day when he works. On that rate he is guaranteed nothing per year. In practice he may well work 150 to 250 days a year. This is an extreme but real illustration and wonder how the ECO would deal with such a case.

What would this guy do? He would probably hire an Immigration Advisor or Lawyer as he could afford it. And that advisor / lawyer would then probaly quote the law in the application papers.

We know what the regulations are on bonuses as they have been quoted a few times on recent posts. Why not quote them within the application pacakge with proof of income attached? This would surely make it so much harder for the ECO to ignore.

Give them a taste of their own medicine guys and girls and quote the latest UK regs back at the ECO !

Accompanied by a table of contents.

It appears a bit daunting but the relevant sections are now plastered all through this forum. Just a case of identfying the relevant bits and then copy and paste them into the application presentation. After all some of you chaps are almost experts in your own right having read and re read the regs.

My wife's application was presented in this way. Using the old rules of course.