This formed part of the advisers covering letter:

This is an application for my client, Mrs Lastlid, to be granted entry clearance as the spouse of a person currently present and settled in the Isle of Man. My client meets the relevant requirements as set out in Paragraph 281 of the Isle of Man Immigration Rules in that she is married to a British Citizen who is currently settled in the Isle of Man, the parties to the marriage have met and each of the parties intends to live permanently with the other bla bla bla......

The applicant has passed the English language test bla bla bla etc..... that is approved by the Lieutenant Governor and there is sufficient maintenance and accomadation available to the applicant.

In support of this application the following documents are enclosed:

Here she listed all of the documents submitted followed by the actual documents.

What she appeared to be saying was that we met the requirements and here is the evidence.

So what I am suggesting, Andy, is that in the specific case of the overtime as an example, you could follow a similar style.

As in:

I meet the minimum income requirements set out in section xxx of the bla bla bla regulations by virtue of earning a basic annual income of (for example) £18000 per annum. Current regulations state that within Annex FM Section FM 1.7 under section 5.4 and sub-section 5.4.1 (page 13) that:-

Overtime, commission-based pay and bonuses will be counted as earnings from salaried employment and here is my documentary evidence supporting this
and I therefore meet the requirements overall with overtime and unsocial hours bonuses.

Here you would attach all of your pay related evidence including overtime etc....

If necessary add a statement to draw their attention to the fact that historically you normally earn £xx worth of overtime a year with any proof that you might have.

It will take a little time, but you could build up the application in this way.

Basically this spells it out to the ECO in no uncertain terms and makes it a lot harder for them to make a hash of giving your wife the visa. Thus beating them at their own game by quoting the regs at them. It wouldn't be completely idiot proof but it would make it so much harder for them to push you to an appeal, particularly if your evidence is compliant.

If you were to carry this out with a couple of other forum members i.e. share the load, you could knock the arsenal out of it in no time, following that style for each element of your application.