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Thread: FAO irishman 12

  1. #1
    Member BRIAN WEBSTER's Avatar
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    FAO irishman 12

    so sorry ! i stand corrected in my use of the word fill's, again no offence intended to you and all others on here. seems like i was wrong this time using the word fill's that is mostly down to me being uneducated and from the UK i too get upset when some of my friends call the philippines by any other name and always correct them ? so i do understand your comments now and i dont take any offence from them again i apologize to you and all on this site

  2. #2
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    I don't think anybody here is offended. Surely that would be ridiculous.

    Stop worrying about it.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRIAN WEBSTER View Post
    so sorry ! i stand corrected in my use of the word fill's, again no offence intended to you and all others on here. seems like i was wrong this time using the word fill's that is mostly down to me being uneducated and from the UK i too get upset when some of my friends call the philippines by any other name and always correct them ? so i do understand your comments now and i dont take any offence from them again i apologize to you and all on this site
    I had a similar problem in general except I used the expression "Phils". It helps when chatting online to abbreviate it. Thats how I picked up the habit.

    I coaxed myself out of it. But I did notice someone gave another forum member a dressing down for using it some time back. Depends on the person's mood and the individuals character. Some folk can change their opinion from one day to the next depending on what suits.

  4. #4
    Member BRIAN WEBSTER's Avatar
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    well rite at this time in our lifes ere in the philippines we are going through a hard time regarding our future due to tite uk rules, and so any spelling or in correct use of words is our last thought and dont want any correct person telling us how to call people in the philippines ? this month seems to have frown any thing and every thing possible at us and after today's visa extension at local imigration office in cdo we are even more down after they chose to interigate my wife for 15 min's before giving my passport back with yet another 2 months visa at p4240 because we complained about last visit ? we try to be legal ere and some times i think sod it lets be like them and just pay the fixer to sort my visa in 12 months time ? but hey im the 1 who gets caught out ? rite now we feel we are paying everything and getting no where fast ? so we now always say if it sounds easy there must be a catch ? and guess what there always is a catch ? sorry for my moan but hey im sure you lot have been ere before me and done all this

  5. #5
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    Heh, Brian, change of topic. You look a bit like Kevin Webster in the picture.... From Corrie....

  6. #6
    Member BRIAN WEBSTER's Avatar
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    your not the first to say that ? you should see my passport picture i have the tash also

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRIAN WEBSTER View Post
    your not the first to say that ? you should see my passport picture i have the tash also
    I am not a Corrie fan but my ex wife used to watch it. And being in Manchester for years it was possible to bump into them. I was with my son at the swimming pool in Stretford and saw him and 2 others off Corrie, going for a swim....

    Saw his "wife" at one time too, at an antique fair. "Sally".

  8. #8
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    There's a few celebrity lookalikes on the forum. We have Piers Morgan and Fabio Capello, though I haven't seen him around for a while as someone peaced him off.

  9. #9
    Member BRIAN WEBSTER's Avatar
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    so how was my sally ? hope she is behaving, i havnt watched corrie for a few week now and you just got me going on youtube

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRIAN WEBSTER View Post
    so how was my sally ? hope she is behaving, i havnt watched corrie for a few week now and you just got me going on youtube
    When I saw her I noticed how short she was. Like a filipina in height. Probably no taller than my wife....

  11. #11
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    brian -what extension was that? these are the extension fees 21 days to 59 day

    59 days to 4 months

    P4830 extension
    usd $50 for ACR-I card
    P500 express lane fee for ACR-I card

    4 months to 6 months

    6 Months to 8 months

    Every 2 month extension from 8 months to 16 months

    Every 2 month extension from 16 months to 48 months

    P2830 extension
    P1010 motion for consideration
    so looks like u got the 6-8 months? there is no reason they should charge you any more than the amounts stated unless you didnt apply on time

  12. #12
    Member BRIAN WEBSTER's Avatar
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    we always apply on time yes it was the 6 to 8 mth they charged us this time lol im a true yorkshire man so forgive me for moaning lol we are known for being tight lol,,,, but we had a bit of a dispute on our last visit in june and because we emailed the main imagration office in manila to clear our concerns and they kindly forwarded my wifes email address and full name to our local office ere in cdo and they chose to make a scene when we went this time ? they was very professional this visit and took my paper work and passport then shouted me to the payment counter, after i paid the cashier shouted excuse me mam' but is your name ivy-**** ? at that she gave my wife a 3rd degree for 15 min's and said we should never complain to other departments, and she loudly asked if we sent this email to any other higher departments ? now that is not acceptable in my view ? surly imigration is a high profile position anywhere in the world and im sure they cant question my wife in public view before giving my visa extention and passport back ? so forgive me for being a bit rude but what a .... month we had ? we got all our papers for our sons passport and then they say i have to prove yet again im divorced ? i had to do that when we got wed ere in the philippines. then they say because she wed a white man from EU we have to go to manila or cebu for a cemanar before she can change her name on her passport ? im not racist but im starting to feel the philippines is racist against me ? its all money money money ere ? they dont want us to work or have business ere but they want us to spend spend spend ? the sooner they grow a pair of balls and move on from this coruption the sooner the place will prosper ?

  13. #13
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    From one tight-fisted Yorkie to another...

    You're learning fast.

    The immigration people in particular can be amongst the most arrogant little hitlers known to man...along with so many other officials there who are accustomed to lording it over the 'peasants'. It's a 'plum job'.

    You just have to go with the flow and accept the system for what it is...making use of it at times too (and there will be those times).

    Try to enjoy the positives of being there , you lucky so and so.

  14. #14
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    the location of offices are in manila and cebu ,we had to do it -so dont see why should be different for anyone else -who said they dont want you to work or have business? there are many foreigner living in cdo -im sure some have work /business there .

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