Quote Originally Posted by sheldon1 View Post
Terpe it will be 5x gross @ £1950 . = £1537 net. And may will be 1 @ £1456 = £1201 net. Its just one payslip whilst i was on holiday. But i have more than made up for it on the other months. I am required by my company to cover other peoples holidays which i do. This at the moment (classed as overtime) is in question as the eco is making his own rules. I think this has to clarified once and for all before you can truly answer my question.

Could any members show the transcript about overtime and bonuses in the appendix so i can print it off and get verified by my m.p. Or damien green. Maybe then we will be out of our misery.

Thanks terpe
thanks all
Sheldon, the point is that you cannot reach the £18600 threshold if you include a payslip at £1456.
That is the one the UKBA will use for their counting. Doesn't matter what the other 5 payslips say.
At the end of the day it's up to you.

Once again, here is what the rule says:-
Category A: salaried employment for the last 6 months
Where the applicant’s partner and/or the applicant (if they are in the UK with permission to work) is in salaried employment at the point of application and has been with the same employer for at least the last 6 months, the applicant can count the gross annual salary (at its lowest level in those 6 months) towards the financial requirement.
The way the rules are written, you cannot 'make up' shortfalls in other payslips. UKBA use the lowest amount in the 6 months sequence.

Quote Originally Posted by sheldon1 View Post
......This at the moment (classed as overtime) is in question as the eco is making his own rules. I think this has to clarified once and for all before you can truly answer my question....

In connection with bonuses and overtime, again here is the transcript of the rules:-
Overtime, commission-based pay and bonuses will be counted as earnings from salaried employment.
This is on the top of page 13 of the Immigration Directorate Instructions -Family Members - Appendix FM 1.7 - Financial Requirement

For me this statement is clear and concise.
I feel that your MP will understand it the same as me, you and almost everyone else except one specific ECO.

But you do have a point in that this ECO has now issued a refusal against allowing bonuses and overtime and also commission-based pay.

For your information and reference here is the whole document.

Please do review it carefully.
Show the relevant parts to your MP and ask him for his understanding of the issues you raise.

Please do let us know what responses he gives you.