Quote Originally Posted by marcus View Post
Thanks guys i really do appreciate your comments and i have been going through them. Its hard sometimes to see the wood for the trees and having other participate is really helpful. Thank you for that. ...

I do have one question for you.

I have been with my filipina gf for 2 years and she has a 8 yr old boy and i have been supporting her financially and covering her needs and she wants to buy a home and i do too, but is it right to expect that her son live in it with her when i am not there and her family live down the road in the same subdivision ? Her family dont talk to me and half of them live in Japan with their japanese husbands as described before.

I want the relationship with her, but not have to build 2 relationships. Is it right to say that i want her in the home and not her child? Her child is undisciplined and noisy and messy . Is it right to say that if i m the one buying the home.?

I need your answers on this one please.
I'll be honest with you..up until the above post you had my sympathy.

Now im thinking you probably deserve one another...what sort of man wants to separate a mother from her child ....they come as a package buddy...not to be mixed up with baggage

Like its been said before here..get out of the relationship before you do any more damage...and im thinking about the 8yo boy...if you adults wanna screw your lives up, all well and good......you dont mess with children.