Quote Originally Posted by marcus View Post
Guys i really need your advice. I am new here for the reason of getting your feedback.

I have been in love with my filipina gf for 12 months now and i went to the philippines to be with her for 6 months. I have done a lot of giving and have had some ups and downs but nothing like what i got to find out today.

My gf has 2 sisters who are married to japanese. Another who has a filipine bf and another single. The family dont like me because i dont to have the money like the sisters husband have and i have been accused of not looking after her 7 year old boy. I found out last week that my gf age wasnt 32 like i was told but 24 years. She has toild me today that she handed over her name to her sister to go to japan to get married to her japanese husband because she was married before to a philipino man and wasnt able to get a proper divorce because you not allowed to get divorced in the philippines, so my gf said that her sister took on the name of her and was married under her name to her japanese husband and she got her visa to move to japan. The reason she did this was to pull the family out of the poverty and give the family a chance for financial freedom.
Sorry Mark, I think you have been set up and scammed , forget about your filipina gf and move on