Yes thanks for that....Two of her sisters are supposedly married to Japanese men and they have at least one child each to the ir relationship. When they found out i had run out of money in my last trip they closed the door on me and tried to get my gtf to leave me and have her visit Japan for two months. I was on skype with her every night but the family were cold and unfriendly and never wanted to speak or be friendly with me. Her birth certificate say she is 24 and the dates stack up on her passport too. Her name is the same on both. Except that she said and advertised her age at 32.
Her Birth certificate was issued in March 2007. And it has it authenticated and sworn as her at age at 24. But i know she is 32. She doesnt look 24. It stacks up that she did a swap with her sister. Because her sister is older than her. Yes apparently to get to Japan she swapped her identity and she also took legal paternity of her boy who is 7 years old. I feel alot is missing in this story. But thats all i got so far. My gf said she did it to protect and help her family . She said the atorny or judge approved the "change" of names and age to secure the things they needed to do. I find it personally illegal and highly risky because if the family tun on her like they have now and treat her like a slave and close the door on her because of her relationship with me smacks of corruption and illegal nightmare that not only includes her family but the judge that was aware of the change in the first place. None of this makes any sense, because her japanese husband could be brought to justice if caught abetting this issue. They want to take her boy off her too, so he is kept in her sisters family in Japan. But my gf wants to return him to her ex boyfriends family in the philippines for upbring. But her family wanbt her to hand him over to them in Japan . They pay big money so he is looked after and goes to the private school and gets everything he needs but my gf gets nothing from them, and she is the one that helped her sister in the first place. It just baffles the mind why her family could do this to her. They should be at her door trying to look after her (my gf) not treat her like a slave in the family ... I just dont get it.