Are you having a laugh Marcus?

So you find it wrong that if you bought a new house with your gf (who has a son from a previous relationship)... you dont want the son to live there with his mother

Have you not learned anything about Filipine family culture over the last 2 years? Have you not bonded with her son already? How can you have a relationship with your gf without including her son??? thats just crazy

So he may be messy, noisey and undiciplined.... maybe he is longing for a father figure in his life... and you have ignored him or made it clear you don't want him... He is 8 years old for crying out loud, be a family together if you really love your gf.

To me, it sounds like a relationship built on a foundation of egg shells. Either man up and do the right thing by the son, or pack up and clear out before you damage the poor boy even more.