Quote Originally Posted by marcus View Post
Thanks guys i really do appreciate your comments and i have been going through them. Its hard sometimes to see the wood for the trees and having other participate is really helpful. Thank you for that. ...

I do have one question for you.

I have been with my filipina gf for 2 years and she has a 8 yr old boy and i have been supporting her financially and covering her needs and she wants to buy a home and i do too, but is it right to expect that her son live in it with her when i am not there and her family live down the road in the same subdivision ? Her family dont talk to me and half of them live in Japan with their japanese husbands as described before.

I want the relationship with her, but not have to build 2 relationships. Is it right to say that i want her in the home and not her child? Her child is undisciplined and noisy and messy . Is it right to say that if i m the one buying the home.?

I need your answers on this one please.

marcus.. Don't force your self just wake up..
Yes i know you love her.
But did she love you
maybe yes to very hard to proub it

ok. I want toadvice to everyone if you fall inlove to in one person don't give all live some for.your self....

Thank you...