Thanks Terpe for your quick response so now I know my housing costs are covered ie: not claiming housing benefit due to my own property also I understand about council tax ie: if my wife works while here, she is a registered nurse and wants to work when she arrives they asked her that on vias application whether that counts towards ant credibility I do not know also I am educated to a level of accountant technician which I am looking for work in, I have specified that in my sponsor letter to UKBA once again I do not know whether that counts also, I forgot one thing in my earlier post is that my wife is 18 weeks pregnant so I know that as the child will be a british citizen he would not be under financial control if I were to become non exempt after 30 months ie: extra resources what I need to know is that the total amount I have left would actually be £175 per week because electricity and water is not taken into account is that right so should I show on my wifes visa application that my monthly outgoing expenditure is 0 £ because I have no council tax, rent/mortgage or secured loans so basically that £175 per week would suffice to support us both as been over the £111.45 by over £60 also my savings as well then I think that would satisfy the ECO that I would have sufficient funds your thoughts would be appreciated thank you.