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Thread: Does God Exist??

  1. #1
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    Lightbulb Does God Exist??

    DOES GOD EXIST? here are some of my random musings about my main reasons to DOUBT and also to BELIEVE in God. I hope i've given equal weighting to both sides!

    . . .
    Reasons to Doubt the Existence of God

    1) Biological evolution

    It is often said by proponents of the “Intelligent Design” movement that evolution is “just a theory”, but this often reveals an ignorance of the meaning of “theory” in science! It is safe to say that Evolution happened. This is the very best biogenesis model that science can come up with given the weight of the evidence! This does go against the creation stories of most religions and suggest that we weren’t “intelligently designed” at all, but rather we evolved through a series of rather clumsy stages, through to what we are now, and indeed are still evolving. There are ways in which evolution can be factored into religion, including the “time-age theory” – which seems to be unique to certain groups of Christians where they believe that during the time in which God created the heavens and the earth, and the time when he performed all of the other feats of creation, Satan rebelled and fell from heaven, and this whole process took thousands/millions/billions/trillions (delete as appropriate –as taught by your sect) of years! This seems to smack of a certain type of desperation and most orthodox Christians have already discredited it as a theory!
    The more legitimate theory at the moment is that of “theistic evolution” which is rather popular – to the dismay of young earth creationists who say the earth is 6000 years old and was created in a literal period of 6, 24 hour days! In the scientific community this is considered laughable!
    So, in its purest sense evolution rules out the possibility of the existence of God – unless you believe in theistic evolution – this will be discussed later!

    2) The existence of multiple religions

    Generally there are multiple claims to truth when it comes to religions. There are monotheistic religions like Islam or Christianity. There are polytheistic religions – like some forms of Hinduism, there are Pantheistic religions such as Wicca and there are those institutions usually referred to as religions, that are in fact agnostic or mildly atheistic, for example – Buddhism!

    The argument is from soteriology and states that if Islam for example is correct then Christianity de-facto is incorrect. If Mohammed is the only prophet of God then Jesus can’t be the son of God, and in fact God himself! If salvation comes only through Jesus Christ and him alone, then every other religion must be wrong!
    There are of course other ways to look at this and we will look at this later!

    3) The problem of evil

    The question here is “if God created everything, then who created evil?” If God didn’t create evil, then where did it come from? Was it there before God? Did Satan create it?
    Or – God created it! If God created evil does this not make him intrinsically evil himself? If God has no evil in him at all, then how could he possibly create it?

    4) The allowance of tragedies

    The assumption here is that God is a benevolent being who loves everyone. If, though, God is benevolent and full of love then why does he allow such tragedies such as Hurricane Katrina- or even Noah’s flood?

    Reasons to Believe in God

    1) Personal Conviction

    This is of course, the least scientific option! This doesn’t make it any less potent! Experience is everything in many respects. We can’t empirically prove that love exists, but a scientist would be considered highly foolish if he or she declared that “love” doesn’t exist! However, there is no way to empirically prove that love exists, and there is no way to disprove it because it is impossible to prove that something doesn’t exist! The only proof we have to go on is personal experience and feelings.
    So, perhaps belief in the existence of God can be rationalised on the basis that God is like love – he cannot be seen, or empirically proved – only experienced. Therefore personal conviction can be considered a reason to believe in God.

    2) Religions beginning at the same time independently

    There would be those who say that the existence of faith is, in and of itself proof that the object of the faith exists. There are many complex and brain-teasingly philosophically obtuse arguments to this effect and if anyone wants to know about them I can tell them! But, the point is . . . if religion is totally wrong and totally errant and there is no God whatsoever, then how is it that on any remote, far-flung part of the globe there are people devoutly worshipping this being that – aside from all the other names they call him/her/it, they call “God”? Surely the theory of the “god of the gaps” (meaning, if there is a gap in our knowledge we just assume de facto that it’s a work of god) theory doesn’t adequately explain this phenomenon?

    3) Possible complementary rather than contradictory religions

    Progressive/liberal Christians – and indeed, members of other religions, tend to see other religions not as competing, but rather as complimentary, in that one man who is a Hindu sees one aspect of God, the Christian sees another aspect of God and the Muslim, Jew, Sikh, Buddhist, Taoist, Jain etc all see different aspects of this one omnipotent and manifold God.

    I guess the only question we can ask here is – If a God were to exist . . . would he/she/it be able to manifest itself in this way? The answer has to be yes, or else this hypothetical being ceases to be God . . . not necessarily proof of said “god” but, an interesting point to contemplate.

    4) The First Cause

    For every effect there must be a cause. For anything to ever have come into existence there must have been a cause for that thing, but there must have been a first cause to bring this law into existence. This is believed to be God.

    5) Theistic Evolution

    This is the idea that God Caused Evolution! This counters the argument against God from Biological Evolution! Nuff said!


    I guess that in the final analysis . . . it’s truly impossible to prove or disprove the existence of God. Actually, I suppose the only real way to test the existence of God is to have your own experience . . . and even then, it would not be scientific . . .

    I guess the only way to conclude this is to say:

    It’s better felt than telt!




  2. #2
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    God is a DJ

  3. #3
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    In the immortal words of Groucho Marx..

    "It's all very interesting.... but it doesn't make any sense"....

    Me, I humbly and fervently believe in £££££££'s...
    and pension plan, or lack thereof...

    Theological and rethorical questions I leave to people that haven't got much else to do with their lives but threaten fun loving humans with hell and damnation if they happen to have a "quickie" outside of marriage...

    I respect other people beliefs as long as they don't try to foist their views on me, especially the ones that knock on the door while I am having my Sunday roast...

    Does God exist???
    It is an individual choice wether believing it or not.

    Oh well... only my 2 pence worth, I know it ain't much, but that's all you get today.

  4. #4
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    i would imagine that if God does exist it would be of utmost importance . . . if not . . . it's worth knowing about also thats the reason why im interested!

    I too hate religious fundamentalism! My ex gal was one of them and it made my life misery . . . not to mention - not 1 quickie in an entire 3.5 year relationship . ... lol

    anyway, if anyone has any strong views, please do mention
    and hey . . .

    i know you filipino people are usually very religious! Any here?



  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigtombowski View Post

    I too hate religious fundamentalism! My ex gal was one of them and it made my life misery . . . not to mention - not 1 quickie in an entire 3.5 year relationship . ... lol

    anyway, if anyone has any strong views, please do mention
    and hey . . .

    i know you filipino people are usually very religious! Any here?


    Did you sue her in small claim court for...

    Repetitive strain injury to your wrist???

  6. #6
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  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    is god a man, woman or neither
    who created god...

    my father was catholic, my mother a Jehovah's Witnesses , and i went to a Church of England school, me i dont believe in any religion, just being a decent person , and leaving this world a better place than i found it

  8. #8
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    If he exists, he has one bad sense of humour.....putting Mancs next to Scousers
    Keith - Administrator

  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes a sense of humor, he put the scousers on the coast, so when ithe mancs do a it ends up on your beach , well might as well keep all the foul stuff in one place

  10. #10
    Respected Member Louella's Avatar
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    God exist!

    The existence of God can not be measured or equaled by intellegence of man. I have faith & i believe in HIM but it doesn't mean i'm perfect & not a sinner. My husband is not a believer but he let me go to church & practice my religion. He even give donations eventhough he thinks its just for the beer of the priest. But anyway, looking back on my experiences & the things happened to my life, God really exist!

    Life is what happens to you while your busy making other plans... - John Lennon

  11. #11
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    If we find an 18 year old sitting on his own talking to a 'friend' we can't see.....he's off to the asylum......yet talking to a mythical figure in a book is fine

    Plane crash.....2 survive....387 dead.....the two say God saved us for a reason........ ......and he murdered 387 why?

    Praying before a football match? Didn't work for Manu or Chelsea did it?
    Keith - Administrator

  12. #12
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    God's existence is not merely an object of national rational knowledge, but also an object of supernatural faith.

    We begin our profession of faith by saying: "I believe" or "We believe". Before expounding the Church's faith, as confessed in the Creed, celebrated in the liturgy and lived in observance of God's commandments and in prayer, we must first ask what "to believe" means.

    Faith is man's response to God, who reveals himself and gives himself to man, at the same time bringing man a superabundant light as he searches for the ultimate meaning of his life.

  13. #13
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i've got faith, crazy as it seems in mankind
    most people are decent people, its only a small number that ruin it for all of us.

    some people need to believe in something, others don't. bur religion has caused wars and deaths of many. but man's inhumanity to man and animals most of the time is not as bad to day as it was 1000's of years ago. slowly but surely man is becoming more civilised.. at least i hope he is..

  14. #14
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    If you do believe in evil then you should as well as believe in god...all things in this world is evolving in basically just two things good or bad...

    i do believe in god as i always want things to be in good way...we have faith on us and god exist on us in the sense that we do good things because we believe that goodness will makes us as a good person...thats what it says love one another...
    Filipina a born survivor!

  15. #15
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    do we need there to be a god to have "good"? or can we have good and evil just in ourselves?

  16. #16
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    God is an excuse for those who can not work out the answers, so use a mythical friend to do it for them.

    The only one defining force in the Universe in nature, and it will return this planet, and all in it to basic quarks at some point in the future......IE. None of what is now, ever happened as no history will exist to say it did.
    Keith - Administrator

  17. #17
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    sounds like a pretty religious belief to me!

  18. #18
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    Sounds like something straight out of "quantum leap"...

    Load of "spucatum tauri"....

    Now Bigtom you see what you done???

    You made the scouser realize that there might be someone "up" there more powerful than Benitez or Shankly...

    And he doesn't like that...

  19. #19
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    Haha you make me SMEGGING laugh

    (i wonder what all of the filipinos in our midst make of the scally/scouse talk lol)


  20. #20
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigtombowski View Post
    DOES GOD EXIST? here are some of my random musings about my main reasons to DOUBT and also to BELIEVE in God. I hope i've given equal weighting to both sides!

    . . .

    Since the man inhabited the earth, the need to worship a GOD exists! Our ancestors worshiped plants, animals, things &c. It is in our human nature to believe in something, something that is powerful, something immortal, something that can do unexplainable things, something to fear and something to follow as a leader as our creator for without him we fear of pain, we fear of life and we fear of anything that might do us harm, we need to believe in something . To believe in something is a natural NEED of a human that is where our ancestors created GOD. GOD is a teaching, it's a doctrine, a philosophy of life that has been passed down over a centuries.

    Prove me to be wrong and I will embrace your belief.

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  21. #21
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Smile My little bit

    Can I just put my 2 penny worth in here?

    I have faith - like to call myself a Christian - although I'm probably not a good one.
    However, the reason that I have faith is not because I believe there is literally a man in the sky - it's because I believe that he (somehow) had a son who told everybody to be nice to each other. Wouldn't the world be a WONDERFUL place is everybody were nice to each other? I think that Jesus really had his head screwed on.
    I have had the good feeling that I call 'my faith' ever since I joined this site a few days ago. People on here are so kind and thoughtful - I like to think that this is because of God's message through his son.

    Hope I've not been too 'heavy' on the old religion kick.


  22. #22
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    Probably the god fearing girls can explain? and you'll find many of these people from correspondence websites.

  23. #23
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    I wonder how many of us will suddenly be praying to God if the world is to come to an end tomorrow, perhaps not to pray for ourselves, but to pray for families, children and friends to be saved??

    I believe in God, but I do not enforce my beliefs on anyone, I just would like for people to respect it and not ridicule. Unfortunately, everything that is going on at the moment is caused by religion - it will perhaps be our downfall!
    There are so many people out there who do not believe in God, but our good people, and there are those who are religious but are just sssssssscccccccuuuuuummmmmmm of the earth, just like those kids who tortured this man with learning difficulties and killed him in the end!!! Sorry Keith, don't mean to swear, hearing this from my husband re-telling what was on the news yesterday makes me livid!!

  24. #24
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    I believe in God ,whatever faith or creed ,there is only one God for all of us .Im catholic,but i can love any faith or creed,but i hate evil . .Evil is Satan,,lucifer,the devil.To believe in God and his anghels,then you have to accept there is the Devil and his demons,everything has an opposite ,and in todays world the devil and his demons are ruling the world stronger than ever before,and the evil commited everyday here in the UK alone is enough proof,murders stabbings shooting drug related crime ,its all because of declining morals , drugs,and greed and self ego,and sheer evil and cruelty,and we can go on and on.For me personaly,God helps me lead a good life,keeps me humble and content,helps me have compassion and pity,and most of all love,the most important force in this universe .To blame God for the evil men do is to deny the devil,we have a choice,God doesent intervene,or we would be like robots,programmed to all be the same.We are our own unique person ,there is only one of you or me,how we decide to lead our lives is up to us ,but because of evil and greed,millions die in childhood because of the lack of food and water,is that Gods fault,or mans,or Goverments,or the fact that over 90% of the worlds wealth is owned by the super rich,how much does 1 person need ???,we came into this world with nothing,and we will leave the same way..I often look at an inscription on a grave near my daughters resting place....
    or there is the inscription in the Roman catacombs where an underground chapel made the of skulls and remains of old priests and monks are on view to the public ,
    AND WHAT YOU SEE,YOU WILL BE...Scary stuff,but quite true ..
    I think inner peace comes from goodness ,and God is good!!!,dont blame God for the evil mean commits..I read once of Auschwitz,an ss guard was tormenting a jewish girl,14 years old,they were hanging her younger brother slowly ,his toes not just touching the box they had placed beneath his feet.The SS guard laughed and mocked the young girl and asked her,`Where is your God now??`,she replied,`He is there,at the end of that rope`she was then hung herself .Quite a true story of good and evil ,God and the Devil.. if i am making plans,i always ay God willing,and i also thank God for the goodness in life,and the many many millions of kind people in this world,and for the love i am given by my family and friends,and anghel too.I COUNT MY BLESSINGS EVERY DAY I OPEN MY EYES,IM STILL ALIVE!!! Someday we will all found out for certain after we leave this world,so i try to lead a good life,just in case GOd exists,its a safer e/w bet,the place of course is the devil and whatever Hell is .

  25. #25
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I wonder how many of us will suddenly be praying to God if the world is to come to an end tomorrow
    I'd be way too busy getting my bets on to worry about something like that
    Keith - Administrator

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I'd be way too busy getting my bets on to worry about something like that
    I did read somewhere in this site that you like to , reminds me still have some money to join 'partypoker', huh

  27. #27
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I'd be way too busy getting my bets on to worry about something like that
    and what odds can you get for the world ending tomorrow scouser keith ? but would we be around to collect the winnings or worse will there be anyone to pay it out

    wise quote from me, "what is , is "

    and the genius buckminster fuller said, if the worlds wealth was divided equally between its population each person would have $12,000,000

  28. #28
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Never figured out why God would make Billions of Billions of such a small mass they can pass through the Earth without even a glancing blow to a quark. Way too much time on his hands huh?

    That means BigTom is God
    Keith - Administrator

  29. #29
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Never figured out why God would make Billions of Billions of such a small mass they can pass through the Earth without even a glancing blow to a quark. Way too much time on his hands huh?

    That means BigTom is God

    yes bigtom is god in his own little world


    sorry bigtom..

  30. #30
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    what the hell (or heaven) is going on here??

    I go to work for 8 hours and suddenly I am being DEIFIED and VILIFIED simultaneously (alan, tell the scouser and manc wot that means please LOL)!

    If u want to worship me u can, but u got a lot of repenting to do for your sins of being from Manc and Liverp! lol!

    everyone knows that jesus was born and bred in belfast, it says so in the bible!


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