i heard over the weekend about a guy who is in USA who has met this girl online (filipina), he hasn't seen her foto, she has no cam, they haven't spoken, and he has been exchanging emails with her for 1 month . . .

and now . . .

-he plans to marry her
-he regularly sends remittances to her
-gets cocky to people who are trying to help him!

And u know wot, i think this is the case with a lot of stoopid westerners who think, it's soooo easy to date a filipina . . . arrrgh
to marry a filipina requires the same prerequisites as to court and marry an english gal . . . without all the cultural uk crap that i tired of 5 years ago (when i was 20!)! lol

ok, this post doesn't have much of a point, but maybe someone could translate it into english! lol!
