A taxi driver tried to pull a fast one on me and the wife when we flew back into Cebu from our honeymoon in HK at about 4am. Admittedly, we made a schoolboy error by accepting an offer from a taxi driver stood outside the airport. But at that time in the morning and when he came back with an actual taxi, I wasn't that concerned, especially as I knew the price to expect so wasn't going to be ripped off.
As the taxi carried us home, I kept an eye out for landmarks I recognised to make sure I didn't feel like he was taking us round the houses. As it was, he pretty much took us the "normal" way home.
When we arrived home to my wife's place, I knew something was wrong straightaway as he said something and my wife's expression changed to one of disbelief. When I asked her what the problem was, she told me he was trying to charge us double. When we pointed out we'd only been out of the country a week so knew the correct price, he tried to convince us the cost had gone up during the past week. While all this was going on in the taxi, I slowly and discretely emptied all the notes from my wallet and stuffed them into my keks, leaving just enough in my wallet to pay the fare.
My main concern once I'd hid my money was that
our suitcase was in the boot of the car, so he could easily of disappeared with it if we had got out. In the end, and no idea how it happened, we all ended up stood outside the car with our suitcase in hand still disagreeing over the fare. As I had our suitcase, I then lost interest in pandering to the guy, so showed him the inside of my wallet pointing out all I had was the "old" fare and couldn't afford to pay the "new" fare. To appease him, I threw in a couple of HK dollars which he begrudgingly took and left. Decided that was a small price to pay for the schoolboy error!