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Thread: Filipino land lady increased filipino gfriend rent by 500%

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  1. #1
    Respected Member blackcat22's Avatar
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    Filipino land lady increased filipino gfriend rent by 500% soon as she heard my now filipino ex-gfriend is dating a foreigner!!

    Why this discrimination against foerigners in the philippines? why why why it's not fair

    Why do they think we foreigners are moneybags?

    Waloop!! : As soon as you arrive at airport a gentleman claiming to be a taxi driver offering to take me from manila airport to Makati, I asked how much her produced a paper showing prices to fool me to think tha't official price list and point to 1,200PHP. Now if I was first timer in the philippines then I'd have fallen for it. But I know maila airport to makati on meter is arounf the 230php mark so I declined and moved on and he again beagn searchng for the sucker foreigner who will pay 500% surcharge on taxi fares. Further down the line I queue up for meter taxi and got the 210php price I wanted.

    Kachum!! Another time got a metered taxi from manila airport to makati and 5 mins into the drive, the driver turned off the taxi meter. I screamed at him to turn the fuc*ing thing back on. He started crying and said no Boss, No Boss let's arrange without meter. So I agree a flat fee of 300php.

    Kabawunga!! waved down a taxi in makati at one time and before I got in the driver slapped in a 75php surcharge, I asked him why he said bcoz some foreigners don't give tips so by slapping the extra surcharge means he's getting his tips by force. Clearly this is robbery I said why don't you leave it to whoever want to give you tip give and who don't want to don't becoz for instance I was going to give you 300php tip for this trip but you loose out on 300php tip bcoz you've decided to wallop me with 75php foreigner's tax

    Does anyone else have experiences like this or maybe even more extreme?

    I know the taxi thing happens anywhere you go in the world but the land lady raising rent by 500% just bcoz one of her tennants is dating a foreigner is just taking the piss. isn't it?

  2. #2
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    Everything you have experienced is perfectly normal there.

    Getting to know the Phils (and some Filipinos) means getting to know how to deal with all that stuff.

  3. #3
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    We needed some wood for our house, we went to the local wood shop and my wife says stay in the car (the windows have mirrored tints) she comes back with the wood at 27 peso each. A few days later we went back for more, this time I got out the car because I wanted a look in the place. My wife asked for the same wood from the same place, this time 40 peso each. Now, my wife is not one to be conned because I am a westerner and rightly complained to the owner and tore him off a few strips. I love my wife when she is in combat mode. she is unstoppable Oh, we got the wood for 27 peso !!

    Top tip, let your wife / gf do all the finances with you out of sight
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  4. #4
    Respected Member blackcat22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    We needed some wood for our house, we went to the local wood shop and my wife says stay in the car (the windows have mirrored tints) she comes back with the wood at 27 peso each. A few days later we went back for more, this time I got out the car because I wanted a look in the place. My wife asked for the same wood from the same place, this time 40 peso each. Now, my wife is not one to be conned because I am a westerner and rightly complained to the owner and tore him off a few strips. I love my wife when she is in combat mode. she is unstoppable Oh, we got the wood for 27 peso !!

    Top tip, let your wife / gf do all the finances with you out of sight

    Nice clever trick. I tried similar trick once but my gfriend ruined it, lol

    I got my gfirend to phone up for a quote for something and she got on the phone and said my boyfriend from England wanted to know how much is this and that. Damn she ruined it

  5. #5
    Respected Member laurel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steve.r View Post
    top tip, let your wife / gf do all the finances with you out of sight

    spot on!!!!

  6. #6
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    hahaha yes the good ol taxi trick well me being a TAXI DRIVER in england i was,nt gettin conned by any of them .I use taxi,s here in the philippines about once a week for well over a year and i,ve never been conned .the best advice is always let the g f or wife pay the driver .WHEN ever the taxi stops i always just get out and leave it to her she,s as tight as a ducks ass lol

  7. #7
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Its all experience.

  8. #8
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    I understand that salaries are low and that poverty is rife in the Philippines, and have no issue giving money to charity, but like most people here I hate being overcharged with foreigner tax.
    Some resorts, bars and facilities actually openly advertise a price for Filipino's and a price for Foreigners. I have been in a bar with a price list with a column for filipino and column for foreigner.

    I never lose my temper or get angry, and in the Philippines by doing that you'll just bring yourself more hassle. With taxi's when I have problems, I just tell them to stop unless the meter goes on, and then if they don't, I open the door. It normally works fine, but I have had a guy in Cebu call my bluff, put the meter on and then suddenly say he's got car problems in the middle of no-where and dump me, before dashing off.... In Manila taxi's are a nightmare anyway, most don't want pickups going the wrong direction, can be hellish to even find one at peak hour.

  9. #9
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    A taxi driver tried to pull a fast one on me and the wife when we flew back into Cebu from our honeymoon in HK at about 4am. Admittedly, we made a schoolboy error by accepting an offer from a taxi driver stood outside the airport. But at that time in the morning and when he came back with an actual taxi, I wasn't that concerned, especially as I knew the price to expect so wasn't going to be ripped off.

    As the taxi carried us home, I kept an eye out for landmarks I recognised to make sure I didn't feel like he was taking us round the houses. As it was, he pretty much took us the "normal" way home.

    When we arrived home to my wife's place, I knew something was wrong straightaway as he said something and my wife's expression changed to one of disbelief. When I asked her what the problem was, she told me he was trying to charge us double. When we pointed out we'd only been out of the country a week so knew the correct price, he tried to convince us the cost had gone up during the past week. While all this was going on in the taxi, I slowly and discretely emptied all the notes from my wallet and stuffed them into my keks, leaving just enough in my wallet to pay the fare.

    My main concern once I'd hid my money was that our suitcase was in the boot of the car, so he could easily of disappeared with it if we had got out. In the end, and no idea how it happened, we all ended up stood outside the car with our suitcase in hand still disagreeing over the fare. As I had our suitcase, I then lost interest in pandering to the guy, so showed him the inside of my wallet pointing out all I had was the "old" fare and couldn't afford to pay the "new" fare. To appease him, I threw in a couple of HK dollars which he begrudgingly took and left. Decided that was a small price to pay for the schoolboy error!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveUK View Post
    A taxi driver tried to pull a fast one on me and the wife when we flew back into Cebu from our honeymoon in HK at about 4am. Admittedly, we made a schoolboy error by accepting an offer from a taxi driver stood outside the airport. But at that time in the morning and when he came back with an actual taxi, I wasn't that concerned, especially as I knew the price to expect so wasn't going to be ripped off.

    As the taxi carried us home, I kept an eye out for landmarks I recognised to make sure I didn't feel like he was taking us round the houses. As it was, he pretty much took us the "normal" way home.

    When we arrived home to my wife's place, I knew something was wrong straightaway as he said something and my wife's expression changed to one of disbelief. When I asked her what the problem was, she told me he was trying to charge us double. When we pointed out we'd only been out of the country a week so knew the correct price, he tried to convince us the cost had gone up during the past week. While all this was going on in the taxi, I slowly and discretely emptied all the notes from my wallet and stuffed them into my keks, leaving just enough in my wallet to pay the fare.

    My main concern once I'd hid my money was that our suitcase was in the boot of the car, so he could easily of disappeared with it if we had got out. In the end, and no idea how it happened, we all ended up stood outside the car with our suitcase in hand still disagreeing over the fare. As I had our suitcase, I then lost interest in pandering to the guy, so showed him the inside of my wallet pointing out all I had was the "old" fare and couldn't afford to pay the "new" fare. To appease him, I threw in a couple of HK dollars which he begrudgingly took and left. Decided that was a small price to pay for the schoolboy error!
    Don't do that again !

    Always wherever practicable, bags in the car with you.

    (Some of the taxis have wet or filthy boots anyway).

  11. #11
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Don't do that again !

    Always wherever practicable, bags in the car with you.

    (Some of the taxis have wet or filthy boots anyway).
    today's top tip
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Don't do that again !

    Always wherever practicable, bags in the car with you.

    (Some of the taxis have wet or filthy boots anyway).
    Admittedly, we've always put the suitcase in the boot when getting a taxi from the airport and never had a problem. But then again, apart from that one time, we've always used a "proper" taxi at the taxi rank as we know not to accept a taxi in the way we did. Dumb move at the time brought on by just wanting to get home. No excuse though!

    As has been said though, very very good advice

  13. #13
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    i have my wife meet me when the nice man say you want taxi and then say want money i just pull out uk coins and say this all i have then go find my wife we then get a taxi to bus terminal she does all the paying but i tell her if they want more i say no and walk till we get one that gives us a fair price

  14. #14
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Watch out for taxi drivers at Manilla airport claiming they dont have change for a large denomination note. One tried that on my wife but she decided either he get change o rhe wouldnt get paid. In the end he then decided he did have the change after all!

  15. #15
    Respected Member McGregor03's Avatar
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    Hi Lordna,

    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    Watch out for taxi drivers at Manilla airport claiming they dont have change for a large denomination note. One tried that on my wife but she decided either he get change o rhe wouldnt get paid. In the end he then decided he did have the change after all!

    See?That's the problem about the filipino's they think if ure married or has bf that is a foreigner they think ure already rich and they will take advantage of u. Such a shame,but true...

  16. #16
    Respected Member jlags90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackcat22 View Post soon as she heard my now filipino ex-gfriend is dating a foreigner!!

    Why this discrimination against foerigners in the philippines? why why why it's not fair

    Why do they think we foreigners are moneybags?

    Waloop!! : As soon as you arrive at airport a gentleman claiming to be a taxi driver offering to take me from manila airport to Makati, I asked how much her produced a paper showing prices to fool me to think tha't official price list and point to 1,200PHP. Now if I was first timer in the philippines then I'd have fallen for it. But I know maila airport to makati on meter is arounf the 230php mark so I declined and moved on and he again beagn searchng for the sucker foreigner who will pay 500% surcharge on taxi fares. Further down the line I queue up for meter taxi and got the 210php price I wanted.

    Kachum!! Another time got a metered taxi from manila airport to makati and 5 mins into the drive, the driver turned off the taxi meter. I screamed at him to turn the fuc*ing thing back on. He started crying and said no Boss, No Boss let's arrange without meter. So I agree a flat fee of 300php.

    Kabawunga!! waved down a taxi in makati at one time and before I got in the driver slapped in a 75php surcharge, I asked him why he said bcoz some foreigners don't give tips so by slapping the extra surcharge means he's getting his tips by force. Clearly this is robbery I said why don't you leave it to whoever want to give you tip give and who don't want to don't becoz for instance I was going to give you 300php tip for this trip but you loose out on 300php tip bcoz you've decided to wallop me with 75php foreigner's tax

    Does anyone else have experiences like this or maybe even more extreme?

    I know the taxi thing happens anywhere you go in the world but the land lady raising rent by 500% just bcoz one of her tennants is dating a foreigner is just taking the piss. isn't it?
    My husband didn't experience that when he visited me...(because I dealt with every taxi driver)
    Sometimes, they will try to go to another longer route so you would need to pay more...

    It happens not only to foreigners BUT also toFilipinos who look vulnerable.
    UKBA,UKBA I am dreading to hear from you...
    UKBA, a BRP for Christmas will do...

  17. #17
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    It happens all over the world.

  18. #18
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    as steve says , always, always get your partner to pay for everything, my first trip there i was leaving tips here and there in cafes , resturants and so on, i would leave it and Ems would pick it up saying thats to much, so i said you pay then , she left very little but as she says if i left a big tip they would expect everyone to leave that amount, by the way i never got any money back what i left after it went into Ems purse,

  19. #19
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    Can tell you're from over the border Steve ... no problem with tips in god's own country.

    Our pockets are sewn up from birth.

    What are the first words spoken by every Yorkshire baby ?

    OW MUCH ??? !

  20. #20
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    If you are a Puti (White)from a rich country then you are by default a millionaire.. Probably a multi millionaire in their eyes..
    If you dont pay a bit extra then you are by default Kuripot. (A tight git).
    Im not saying thats right...Just saying thats the way it is.....In their eyes!!
    Learning to speak a bit of Tagalog often helps so that you can tell them to #*&^%$ off in their own language...They usually respect that.

    It normally works fine, but I have had a guy in Cebu call my bluff, put the meter on and then suddenly say he's got car problems in the middle of no-where and dump me, before dashing off.
    Thats happened to me a few times...
    but before they dash off,I tell them to pop the hood as Im a millionaire motor mechanic from the U.K.

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