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Thread: getting married in the catholic church

  1. #1
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    getting married in the catholic church

    can any members give me so e of advice on how long marriage guidance in the church takes' before me and my fiance can actually set a date to marry can we start to have marriage guidance lessons before we are issued with a marriage liscence.... me any my g/f intend to marry in march next year i will travel to the philippines this december for 1 month to exchange my cni cenomar for the local version's and finalise everything could this all be done in the small time frame of 1 month

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    I believe the seminar is only a day maximum long, in fact possibly half a day, so I think there will be no problem for you.

    Others who have actually been through the seminar will give you a more accurate time. We didn't do it ourselves
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  3. #3
    Respected Member Leen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweet-man View Post
    can any members give me so e of advice on how long marriage guidance in the church takes' before me and my fiance can actually set a date to marry can we start to have marriage guidance lessons before we are issued with a marriage liscence.... me any my g/f intend to marry in march next year i will travel to the philippines this december for 1 month to exchange my cni cenomar for the local version's and finalise everything could this all be done in the small time frame of 1 month

    i guess it's much better and easier if you will let your fiancee go to the church and ask how long will it take.....marriage counseling from the church is different from the one required to get a marriage license you have to do both but if you will spend 1 month here it will give you enough time to cover everything.....
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweet-man View Post
    can any members give me so e of advice on how long marriage guidance in the church takes' before me and my fiance can actually set a date to marry can we start to have marriage guidance lessons before we are issued with a marriage liscence.... me any my g/f intend to marry in march next year i will travel to the philippines this december for 1 month to exchange my cni cenomar for the local version's and finalise everything could this all be done in the small time frame of 1 month
    We did everything in 2.5 weeks, not including the seminar. The problem for us was getting an available date for the seminar. For a civil wedding, I think the seminar was to be a couple of hours, from what I remember - might be wrong.

    1 month should be plenty.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweet-man View Post
    can any members give me so e of advice on how long marriage guidance in the church takes' before me and my fiance can actually set a date to marry can we start to have marriage guidance lessons before we are issued with a marriage liscence.... me any my g/f intend to marry in march next year i will travel to the philippines this december for 1 month to exchange my cni cenomar for the local version's and finalise everything could this all be done in the small time frame of 1 month
    Dont stress yourselves about the seminar...for sure you will be offered the option of just paying for it without the bother of attending...I think my wife paid 3 thousand...good value

  6. #6
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    Correct in thinking cni has a shelf life but, the marriage licence in the Philippines is issued on the strength of the cni...when you have marriage licence the cni is no longer applicable.

  7. #7
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    We had the two seminars, 1 day with the Dept Welfare which was a scheduled weekly session, and a 1.5 day church seminar which was run when required. I suppose frequency would change between major cities and the provinces.

    The church one was all in visayan led by nuns so I understood about 1% At least I didnt fall asleep like some of the other attendees
    I actually enjoyed them as it felt like I was participating in their culture a little more but I wouldnt want to do them again!

  8. #8
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    I think it's only 2 days. My mother before are one of those lecturer at the seminar. When my brother got married last December 2011, they only attended the seminar twice.

  9. #9
    Respected Member rhaichard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweet-man View Post
    can any members give me so e of advice on how long marriage guidance in the church takes' before me and my fiance can actually set a date to marry can we start to have marriage guidance lessons before we are issued with a marriage liscence.... me any my g/f intend to marry in march next year i will travel to the philippines this december for 1 month to exchange my cni cenomar for the local version's and finalise everything could this all be done in the small time frame of 1 month
    uhhmmm as ki experienced before we married church wedding took to long to process some church advise you to get married first in civil before the church ...

    when i inquired last year a lot of seminar you need to attend and you need to ask something about your priest in england just like a interview... but in civil you only need CNI and birth certificate then apply attend to 2 seminar , take note you can attend in a same day together for your marriage license then when you get your license you can get married in civil

    thats why we chosen to have civil wedding first ... then maybe 2014 we are going to have church wedding ... because my husband sister are getting married next year

    anyway that is only based on my experienced ... try to go to the church and ask them ...

  10. #10
    Respected Member rhaichard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Correct in thinking cni has a shelf life but, the marriage licence in the Philippines is issued on the strength of the cni...when you have marriage licence the cni is no longer applicable.
    yeah you only need CNI for marriage license

  11. #11
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    i'm sure it takes longer than that if a couple are marrying in the catholic church

  12. #12
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    thanks for all your comments

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