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Thread: Spouse Visa questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Spouse Visa questions

    Hi everybody

    My fiance has been in the UK for just over a month now and we are due to get married next week. We will then begin our application for our spouse visa. Everything is going to plan so far but we do have a couple fo questions we are hoping somebody might be able to help us with.

    Firstly we are not very sure how long the spouse application will take. We have heard anywhere between 5 days and 6 months. We do meet all of the requirements and have all of the back up to support our application so there shouldnt be any problems there. Does anybody on here no roughly how long this application usually takes?

    Secondly my fiance is at home all day while im working, which she finds quite boring and lonely. She did live in the UK last year on a student visa so does have friends she could see but they live quite a long way away so financially its not possible for her to do this everyday. We understand that she cannot do any paid work but is keen to do some volunteer work. Ive looked into this but it seems that she is not allowed to do this? Is this true?? It seems very harsh that she cannot do voluntary work if it is true?

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by readingram View Post
    Hi everybody

    My fiance has been in the UK for just over a month now and we are due to get married next week. We will then begin our application for our spouse visa. Everything is going to plan so far
    Hello, again ... you appear to be well-organised with the preparations for your BIG DAY , and I am pleased to read that all the necessary arrangements are proceeding smoothly. Once you're married, your [then] wife will be applying for Further Leave to Remain using Form FLR (M).

    Good Luck.

    Quote Originally Posted by readingram View Post
    but we do have a couple of questions we are hoping somebody might be able to help us with.

    Firstly we are not very sure how long the spouse application will take. We have heard anywhere between 5 days and 6 months. We do meet all of the requirements and have all of the back up to support our application so there shouldnt be any problems there. Does anybody on here no roughly how long this application usually takes?
    Okay. That's ANYONE'S guess, I'm afraid ... ... could be weeks ... could be months.

    Quote Originally Posted by readingram View Post
    Secondly my fiancee is at home all day while im working, which she finds quite boring and lonely. She did live in the UK last year on a student visa so does have friends she could see but they live quite a long way away so financially its not possible for her to do this everyday. We understand that she cannot do any paid work but is keen to do some volunteer work. Ive looked into this but it seems that she is not allowed to do this? Is this true?? It seems very harsh that she cannot do voluntary work if it is true?
    Loneliness is not altogether uncommon at this stage. And yes ... unfortunately it IS true that even voluntary work is disallowed for the duration of the period leading up to the newlywed's passport being endorsed with her/his upgraded status ... principally, I suppose, because Officialdom tends to harbour an almost inherent suspicion that the person concerned may be receiving some sort of gratuitous payment - or, to put it bluntly - "backhander" for any such work undertaken.

  3. #3
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    Hi Arthur

    Thanks for the reply. I guess we will see how it goes. All we can do is make sure our application has no problems with it.

    We will be sure to post back here in case our experience can help somebody else.

  4. #4
    Respected Member malchard888's Avatar
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    We applied middle of April for FLR and yes u guessed it, we are still waiting for the bureacratic process to finally get its a e into gear and grant us the required paperwork.

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