Just wondering if anybody else has been criticised for marrying a younger lady my wife is 23 I am 42 god why cant people just be happy for us any input thank you
Just wondering if anybody else has been criticised for marrying a younger lady my wife is 23 I am 42 god why cant people just be happy for us any input thank you
A recent thread on this keenly discussed topic.
we got the same age gap when i got married from my husband 7 years agoits been peaceful and no doubt ..ignore those people who criticised there just jelly i mean
jealous ^_^
A place for everything, everything in its place.
And another.....
We have a 27 year age gap, the relationship works perfectly and we are very happy together so criticism of your situation by others in less than happy relationships should be taken with a pinch of salt as they may be quite envious of you and your wife in reality.![]()
Who is doing the criticisinig? Presumingly they have never met her.
as long as you are happy with each other, then who cares, there is 17 years differance in age between myself and Emma, we are happy and i can we are in love too,
its just jealousy and none of their business .
in anycase what is age its just a number![]()
17 years between my wife and I, and we have a nearly 10 month old baby. Who cares what ANYONE else thinks. It's just jealousy.
If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up
A place for everything, everything in its place.
I don't care.
My wife doesn't care
All of my wife's family are very happy for us.
That's it, no worries. Period
Everyone else can .......![]()
I thought this was going to pop up with my relationship - 20 years difference here, but as it goes most of my friends called me a lucky bugger as for anyone else no issue.
The critics are not marrying your partner are they ?
Tell them to mind their own bloody business...oh, and how long did their perfect marriages last ?![]()
It's partly jealousy
It's also that to many people, something "different" isn't something they like. The norm for relationships is no more than a couple of years age difference (Hardly surprising, when people meet at school, or in the same places which appeal to their own age group). As a larger age gap is "different" - they feel they have to poke their nose into it.
And it is also that many people are simply armchair experts. Yes their marriage to Shaz from accounts might have fallen apart when she was caught in the stationary cupboard with Kevin from sales, but that doesn't mean they don't feel they shouldn't cope on something they "just know" won't last.
at least on this forum the age thing is allowed to be disussed which isn,nt the case on many forums as it can be a touchy subject .well here is my input for what its worth me 49 she 40 so there is an age gap but not as much as a lot of people .firstly your right its nobodys business what you do with your private life IF your both happy then fine.but there are age gaps then there age gaps .i saw a guy only the other day must have been about 75 walking with a stick holding hands with a girl that looked around 20 with a 3 year old in tow sorry folks i,m not in the minority here thinking its not right .this situation is not about love as some of you would lead to believe its mostly about economics hello hello we are in a third world country and some of these girls will do what they have to to get out of poverty and its these girls that give some philippina,s a bad name just ask your wife .my g f agree,s with me 100 % she says they are only going with the old men for money .like i said age gaps are ok up to a point to what point well everyone will agree to dissagree to what is or isn,nt an acceptable age gap .its widely acceptable here in the philippines from asking the locals they don,t seem to bothered but they seem bothered about the large age gap voiceing there concern on how the girl can support any children once her hubby keels over .anyway thats my 2 cents worth have a nice day![]()
There is a 43 year age gap between my wife and I and are very happy and compatable, but all my family members and all my friends apart from one have disowned me and wont have anything at all to do with me. I've just had to accept it and move forward. I did let them all know that I am going to stick around for another thirty years just to annoy them!
Age doesn't matterjust ignore them and most important of all continue to show deep love for each other.
I love my wonderful husband so much in spite of our age gap![]()
Just wondering how many are the other way around? My wife is older than me! Ok its only 3 years, but I did find it interesting looking at the bans posted in the embassy when we posted ours!
I am 72 my wife is 40, married 6 years. We live in Spain and apart from a very occasional odd look from Brits on holiday, never notice anyone looking critically.
My family and friends have no problems ether.
PS maybe when I get a bit older and slow down my wife will be able to catch up with me when I am road racing, running etc !
For me, the litmus test isn't so much the age gap (Though having said that, sorry but a huge age gap does not seem "right" to me - however a big difference is that I will always keep my nose out, what works for me doesn't work for all, and it's that couples business not mine)
The litmus test, is more crucially "is there some sort of politics or control thing going on"?
Is it about love...........or is it her putting up with some bad tempered ugly old git because she wants his money?
Is it him going to Thailand and finding a "bargirl" () to marry because he is a complete lowlife, too fond of giving backhanders if his Stella isn't chilled ok, who no self respecting UK girl would give the time of day to.
Nothing to do with love, nothing to do with respect and everything to do with just "using" the partner to get something they otherwise wouldn't ever manage........and this works both ways I guess.
I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, it's simply none of my business. There is though very good reason the old man and young tart gag was used repeatedly in Benny Hill shows
I used to love as a kid how at the end, everyone would chase him round and around
This silly argument about the older person dying, leaving wife and kids penniless etc:
What nonsense.
How many single mothers are there already, supporting themselves and their children....especially in the Philippines....no husband of ANY age in sight !
Yes, she's gong to benefit from an older man's money....well there's a POSITIVE then.
Do people honestly think that the older partner isn't perfectly aware of the circumstances of his relationship ?
After even a few happy years together his wife and any children will at least have something to help them to be secure in the future...unlike the feckless young guy who just gets her pregnant and then buggers off, or the miserable marriage of a few years ending in a messy divorce and then years of acrimony and aggravation for all parties.
Anyway, there are 'older' guys who are mentally younger than others.
Preparing for a fun day out yesterday:.
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