at least on this forum the age thing is allowed to be disussed which isn,nt the case on many forums as it can be a touchy subject .well here is my input for what its worth me 49 she 40 so there is an age gap but not as much as a lot of people .firstly your right its nobodys business what you do with your private life IF your both happy then fine.but there are age gaps then there age gaps .i saw a guy only the other day must have been about 75 walking with a stick holding hands with a girl that looked around 20 with a 3 year old in tow sorry folks i,m not in the minority here thinking its not right .this situation is not about love as some of you would lead to believe its mostly about economics hello hello we are in a third world country and some of these girls will do what they have to to get out of poverty and its these girls that give some philippina,s a bad name just ask your wife .my g f agree,s with me 100 % she says they are only going with the old men for money .like i said age gaps are ok up to a point to what point well everyone will agree to dissagree to what is or isn,nt an acceptable age gap .its widely acceptable here in the philippines from asking the locals they don,t seem to bothered but they seem bothered about the large age gap voiceing there concern on how the girl can support any children once her hubby keels over .anyway thats my 2 cents worth have a nice day![]()