"Author: The Home Office - Life in the UK Advisory Group
Publisher: TSO

The only official Life in the UK Test app - a simple and convenient way to practise for your Life in the UK British Citizenship test on the go.

Prepare to pass your Life in the UK test first time with all these great features:

Hundreds of official practice questions taken from the Life in the United Kingdom: A Journey to Citizenship handbook, written by the Home Office Life in the UK Advisory Group
Random mock tests which select 24 questions to be answered in 45 minutes - just like the real test
A Quick Practice mode which focuses on questions from each category
The Test Summary analyses your test results so you can review your answers and identify areas for improvement
References to the Life in the United Kingdom: A Journey to Citizenship handbook to help you revise and improve your performance
Practice test results can be posted to your Facebook account to share with your friends
